Penny's chat

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Meanwhile, Penny was round Helen's.

" cant get him our of my head you know" Penny sighed in defeat "It's just, he's always been there for me, he's my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him"

"Well" The nurse began, "I think you should tell Sam how you feel, Penny"

"I-I cant! He doesn't feel the same and i know that for a fact. If I tell him he will juts hate me" Penny slumped down

"Oh, i'm not sure about that" Helen smirked

"W-what do you mean" Penny stuttered

"Penny! Oh my god, Sam is crazy about you!" she laughed at Penny's intense blushing

"W-w-wait w-what?"

Helen laughed "Penny, you both ADORE each other you're just to blinded to see" he gave her friend a comforting smile

"Thanks Helen, I better be off, see you around" Penny waved her friend off as she left 

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