87_ Confidentiality

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_I'm about to burst out from too much confidentiality, I want to reveal to you a lot of what hurts my heart, but I'm not good at talking while I'm at my worst.
Many old scars encircle my heart, I cannot overcome them or even live with them, they are like a wounded lion when it catches its prey, slowly crushing its flesh Destroying the soul, just as the pain has destroyed my soul, I try to stand fast and stand up again, but I have destroyed everything that happens, exceeding my stamina, but also encroaching on me, my patience is about to wear out, and I even think it has run out.
False faces fake a smile brilliantly, while they die oppressively from the inside, faces fake love and honesty, while they are like cunning foxes waiting for the moment of your weakness to crush you like a mosquito, and others struggle with life in order to live, and there are those who have been mercilessly removed from their hearts they have become like stones, they have nothing to swallow  Humanity has an affinity, did I surprise you with the truth of the world, or do you all know, but you are trying to live with all this, my question now is why we are forced to endure all of this, why do we always choose to be the best of the bad, why do we not choose the righteous only the righteous, but why not We all become good, we live in a pleasant society full of joy and love, devoid of all kinds of hatred, hatred and hatred, to love each other, and we love goodness for everyone, why do you hate each other so much, why do you hate good for each other, when a person is so mean, when a person is nothing but Why, really why?

Writing is the star of our lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن