Ch 4

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The next morning Bruce walked into the dining room to find that Alfred had set out four plates of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. That was weird. Didn't Alfred know that Jason had left yesterday?

When Alfred walked into the room carrying a large pitcher of orange juice Bruce gave him a questioning glance. "Alfred... Jason left yesterday." He said, gesturing to the extra plate.

"I am aware master Bruce. That plate is for master Talon." Alfred said, setting the pitcher on the table before turning and walking out of the room.

'Right... Talon.' Bruce thought to himself, standing up and walking upstairs.

Talon needed some different clothes, he couldn't just walk around the manner in his owl suit.

Bruce paused in front of the door he was about to walk through. It was the room of his eldest son. Dick had died about 5 years ago, but Bruce still had yet to go into his room. If he was correct, Talon was about the size of his deceased son, so hopefully he would fit into Dick's old clothing.

Tears came to Bruce's eyes as he walked into Dick's room. Being in there brought back so many memories. Bruce ran his fingers along a shelf as he walked towards the dresser. He paused for a moment, looking at a shelf full of pictures, trophies, and sentimental items.

Bruce's breath caught in his chest as he saw a picture of his eldest son, taken only a few months before he died. The tears that had gathered in Bruce's eyes now spilled over, tracing their way down his cheeks. He held back his sobs and averted his eyes.

'Hopefully there are still some clothes in here.' Bruce thought to himself as he tried to push away his emotions. He opened the drawers of Dick's dresser and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Bruce wiped his tears and headed down to the batcave.

Talon was still sitting in his impromptu nest of blankets when Bruce came into the batcave. Bruce handed Talon the clothes and gave him quick directions on how to get to the dining room before leaving.

Talon quickly changed into the new clothes and wrapped himself in a blanket. He folded his owl suit and left it on the mattress before walking out of the room and up the stairs to the manor.

When the clock opened like a door and Talon emerged from the darkness of the batcave he was nearly blinded. He no longer had on his protective glasses and the rays of sunlight spilling through the windows seemed to burn his eyes.

Talon squeezed his eyes shut until the burning sensation passed. He cracked one eye open and shaded his eyes until they had adjusted to the brightness.

When he was finally able to see again Talon exited the small study and walked down the hallway to two large doors. When he saw them he stopped. Talon could definitely hear people on the other side of the door; they seemed to be having an argument or something.

'Should I go in?' Talon thought to himself. He didn't want to interrupt anything, but if he didn't come in soon Batman might think he got lost or something.

Steeling himself for whatever was to come, Talon opened one of the doors and slipped inside.

The argument stopped as soon as Talon walked in. Silverware clattered to either the table or the floor as three pairs of eyes turned to look at him.

Bruce stood up unsteadily and his breath hitched as he took in the sight of the man standing in front of him.

Everyone seemed to be collectively holding their breath as they watched Talon. Talon simply stood there. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. He jumped when he heard the sound of a plate crashing to the ground. Alfred stood by another door that led to the kitchen, he had been holding a plate of hash browns, but he dropped it when he saw Talon.

Talon turned to leave the room, maybe he should just go back down to the Batcave... He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. It was Batman. Talon stiffened as he was pulled into a hug. He soon felt two more sets of arms wrap around him and all at once the three people hugging him uttered a single word...

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