Letter Twenty-Eight

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Dusting the cupboard, Hiba pondered over the call which she received yesterday. Her mother was begging her to settle down. But was she ready to give another chance when her heart is still bleeding with the open wound?

She left the cloth at the basin as she took the next letter, not unfolding it.

Sighing deeply, she counted the letter till date and found out the Waleed had sent Haneen twenty-eight letter, unaware that he had written the wrong address and she had got it instead of Haneen.

Unfolding the recent letter, she sat nearby the window, looking at the drop of rain gently cascading down the window.

19th September 2020

Dear Hayati,

I miss you. I miss your delicious cooking also! Mama had recovered very fast and now she in doing multitasking.  I honestly respect you women. Like we men says that being a women is easy because you stay in home and do nothing. Those delusional people have no idea. For a women to work in a kitchen for approximately twelve hour in front of the gas which would sweat her, so that she could feed her family empty stomach.

For a fact that she get burned multiple time, yet she manage to smile amidst the pain and we say that they do nothing. They work for us without demanding money. Like what even are those people thinking. Like switch your place with them and see. We guys are so scared to put even a French fries in the hot boiling oil. Tsk tsk, those people are delusional.

Yesterday Ammi ( Your mother in law) burned her hand and she told me it's small. Small? Like the burn covered her entire palm and she says Small. Allah, how it must have pained her. Yet she still managed to smile in that pain.

The world need to change its thinking that men work harder than women. All work equally harder but in my opinion a women does because she carries a brat like us in their womb for 9 month.

Sorry I got bit carried off, need to tell my heart to you.

Yours Truly


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