Cupboard crapping

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Just as Donald thought he had finished shitting, he got a pain in his rectum area. A pain like he had never felt before. If was like a knife was being shoved up his ass.

Donald let out an almighty groan and an even mightier shit. Shit pored from his ass and he made the most horrible and loudest fart you could ever imagine. (Yeah, gross).

This almighty shit produced a smell so wretched then even all the gods of all the religions threw up and all the stars in space exploded and killed themselves so they didn't have to smell this abomination. This shit was so atrocious it was radioactive and needed to be contained in a lead lined box. (I always knew Donald would start a nuclear war).


The unspeakable sound and smell of this shit attracted all the reporters and press to Donald's location. They knew only he could produce something so atrocious.

Donald was trapped.

He started to cry like a baby. Tears streamed down his face like niagra falls. This reminded him of the time he was in Home Alone 2. He locked himself in a toilet to shit and cry about only having one line in the whole film.

But he wouldn't go back to the lowest point in his life, not now, not ever. He needed to get out of here.

His only escape was through a narrow window in the cupboard wall. Could he fit through? He was about to find out.

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