Chapter 4

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My job at the garage was working out well. It gave me extra money and I had come across a steal on an old Chevelle that one of the customers wanted to get rid of. Jesse, my boss, helped me with the paper work and gave suggestions on how to proceed on restoring it. He even stayed late on Tuesday nights to help me work on the car to get it in shape. I think because I caught on fast he was willing to be helpful.

"She's going to be a hell of a sleeper when she's done," he told me. All I could see at the moment was an old car with a blown straight six motor. He assured me I would see it differently later on.

The boxing gym was a blast. Smitty was always happy to see me and even happier when Diane came with me. I had her wearing more and more revealing outfits just for him and I could tell he really appreciated it.

Smitty began trying to talk me into taking a match at a local boxing event that was being held in a few months. I wasn't sure if I would be up for it, mostly because I had to drop another twelve pounds to make the weight class. I was ripped already and I couldn't understand how it would be possible. Smitty assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, so I told him I would give it some serious thought.

I also confided in Smitty about the issue with Katy. He listened intensely as I told him about how she was a senior and the condition of going out with me.

"Boy," he said after listening to me, "you better take that girl up on her offer." I asked him why and what he was thinking, but all I got out of him was a grin and wink. I figured he was more experienced with this type of thing so I began making plans to take the two girls out.

The hard part of my Friday night date was going to be getting Diane to go along with it. I waited until the last minute and then I decided, what the hell, and just picked her up without letting on.

"In the back," I told her as she tried to get into my car. She blinked a few times before reaching for the rear door handle on my old sedan. She got into the back and moved to the middle of the seat.

"Who is going with us," she asked.

"You'll see shortly," I grinned. I'm sure she thought it was another game I had planned and I could see her start to flush, a sure sign that she was excited. Little did she know it wasn't my game we were playing tonight, and I had no idea what Katy had in mind.

I pulled up to Katy's house but Diane still had no clue who lived there. I took the keys with me as I got out of the car because I had no inkling of what was about to transpire given the history between these two. I headed up to the door and Katy answered when I knocked.

"Is she here?" was the first thing Katy asked. I was a little put off by this but nodded anyway. I guess she picked up on my disapproval so she gave me a quick kiss on the lips as she came out the door. We headed for the car and I could just make out Diane's strained features as she realized who would be joining us.

I opened the door for Katy and she slid into the front seat without a backward glance to Diane. I got in and made it almost out the driveway before the inevitable started.

"What the F*CK is she doing here?" Diane yelled at me.

I slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop before turning to confront her. I never got the chance because Katy spoke first.

"Shut your mouth you little sl*t! If you talk to my boyfriend like that one more time I will drag your butt out of this car and spank you in the middle of the street!"Katy glared directly into the other girl's eyes and it was Diane that turned away and looked down without another word.

I was in shock as Katy calmly shifted her gaze back to me and in her normal pleasant voice said, "Where would you like to go tonight?"

I took in the situation quickly and decided to see where this would go. In my coolest voice I said, "Um, I'm open to anything you want to try."

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