01 - Birthday Blues

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Tine's POV

My lips parted under the hungry lick of his tongue. He immediately pushed inside to explore my mouth. The taste and scent of whiskey, combined with his cologne, made me dizzy.

I kissed him back with all the repressed passion that I no longer wanted to hold back. I held his face in one hand, the fingers of my other twisting in his hair and pulling him closer.

We fucked each other's mouths, a tangle of lips and tongues.

"Fuck", he breathed against my mouth, when we surfaced for air. We panted, our lips still rubbing lightly, our breaths mingling.

"Yes, let's" I said, looking straight into his heavy-lidded, dark-with-desire eyes that grew round with surprise at my words.


It all began earlier that day.

"Repeat" shouted Ohm, drunkenly pointing with a circling finger to the empty glasses on the table.

"What he means is, repeat" added Fong, helpfully.

"Just to clarify, repeat" supplied Phuak, also circling his finger, but in the opposite direction from Ohm's circle.

"So to sum it up, you guys want to repeat your order?" asked the waitress with a twinkle in her eyes.

I smiled for the first time that night.

The boys were trying their best to cheer me up and I was thankful for their efforts.

I downed my drink in one go as soon as it was refilled.

I would turn twenty one tomorrow. Tonight was the last night of freedom before my life was forfeited to my Master.

The boys had decided to give me a grand send-off into servitude. The first drink was poured at 3 pm. It was now 10 pm. We had been drinking for seven hours, breaking only to stumble from one bar to the next.

The one we were in at the moment was a swanky hotel bar. The kind that we normally wouldn't even look at because we would be charged just for stepping in.

But tonight was different. I had money. The cost of my freedom, I thought sardonically.

Ohm was out like a light, Fong was staring aimlessly into space and Phuak looked like he could have a stroke any minute.

Surprisingly, I was still too sober for my comfort. I took pity on the boys though, and bundled them into a taxi before I headed back inside.

I'd welcome my birthday alone.

I went back to our booth, and its emptiness echoed the loneliness in my heart.

The Master had raised me when I was left orphaned after my parents died. My father had been the Master's right-hand man, my mother had been his daughter's governess.

They had died saving the Master and his daughter from an attack by the Master's business rivals eleven years ago.

Right on my tenth birthday.

Since then, birthdays had kind of lost their sheen for me.

The waitress from before brought me a refill of my drink. I hadn't ordered one yet.

"It's from the gentleman over there" she said with a smile that spoke volumes. She nodded her head in the direction of the bar.

I didn't even bother to look.

"I don't know what the protocol is in these, uh, "situations", but I don't want it. Could you please get me a refill of my drink on my tab though?" I said. The waitress nodded and took the glass away.

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