17 - Can I?

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Sarawat's POV

My head felt heavy, my throat felt scratched from the inside, my tongue felt too big for my mouth and my insides felt like my bones had turned to liquid.

My eyes felt like they'd been glued shut. I couldn't feel my limbs. Even my hearing seemed muffled.

The only thing that pierced my brain fog was the realization that I could have died. And it wasn't the thought of dying that terrified me, but losing Win and Tine forever.

My brain reacted to the sudden and immeasurable fear by sending adrenaline coursing through my body. A flash of clarity and consciousness gripped me.

I felt tendrils of warmth spreading from my fingers and I knew it was Tine. My eyes flew open, my vocal chords stretched and my tongue found movement.

"Tine, will you marry me?" I croaked, my eyes finding comfort in the sight of him, the pit of fear in my chest filling with a surge of pure love, my fingers holding on as tightly as I could manage without being able to fully feel them yet.

I heard a gasp somewhere near my head. A nurse stood with her hands on her cheeks and a look of adoration directed at Tine and me.

Tine didn't even acknowledge her presence. His eyes were on me and me alone.

He brought my hand to his lips for a kiss and whispered, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."

I heaved a sigh of relief. He kissed me lightly on my parched lips. I slipped into blissful oblivion, the lingering touch of Tine's lips my last memory.


"And then, Bright spelled my name V-I-N instead of W-I-N and I said it didn't matter because he is still my best friend" said Win, sitting on my lap in the hospital bed.

"Hey, I thought I was your best friend" said Tine, pouting and crossing his arms in mock outrage.

"You can have more than one best friend. Like you and Daddy are also best friends" said Win, wisely.

I threw a look at Tine and adjusted Win so we were face to face. Tine joined us on the bed, sitting beside me so we were both looking at Win.

"We have something to ask you, Win" said Tine, nervously.

"You know I love you very much, right?" he said.

Win nodded.

"Your daddy and I also love each other very much. Would you like for all three of us to be a family?"

Win nodded.

"Your daddy and I want to get married"

Win looked thoughtful. My heart thudded in my throat and I could hear the rush of blood in my ears.

"But Daddy and Mummy are married" he said, confused.

"That is correct, buddy. Daddy and Mummy are married, but we don't love each other.

You'll understand it when you grow bigger, but there are times when adults do things even when they don't like doing them, because it is the right thing to do at the time.

Your Mummy and I got married so that you and I could live together even when she isn't around. But we will both always love you, son" I said, carefully brushing Win's hair off his face.

"So does that mean that Mummy won't come back ever?" said Win, tears springing to his eyes. My heart ached for my hurting son.

"Your Mummy has a lot of important work to do in Paris. But whenever she comes back home, you can spend all the time you want with her. She will always be your Mummy, Win. Nothing will ever change that" I said, wiping his tears and kissing his wet cheeks.

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