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Thass right! I got my groove moving... LOL, please ignore the embarrassing moment.

Carry on.



Federica's brows furrowed as she stared across the table at her mother. The bomb dropped, she coolly turned back to June, composure ever-present, not a care as to her daughter's thoughts on the matter.

"Which reminds me. Do make sure to add in Federica has an appointment with Esposito for her dresses. Add in between the club meeting and the fundraiser planning. Felicia, did I tell you she was going to model them at Esposito's event?"

Felicia's eyes widened in measured surprise as her red lips formed a slight 'o'. "No, you did not," she gasped, the glee in her eyes undeniably honest.

Helena nodded as she leaned forward in controlled eagerness to diverge, her smile as smug as the gleam in her eyes. Federica felt something coil within her, waking up once again to rub eagerly at the sides of her chest cavity.

"He's promised to make her stand out, and he knows that's what I expect," she said, eyes proud of her accomplishment.

Federica inhaled deeply, highly aware of the silence that had descended on their side of the table. Felicia responded with something, but Federica's gaze slid over each person between her mother and Cynthia but stopped as she met her middle sister's gaze.

That tightness in her suddenly had a name as she met Amada's bland gaze, unhidden by the documents Federica was sure she'd given up on a long time ago. It was a strong, heated thing that had been subdued with the events of last night's spur of the moment decision, but it rose furiously as she realized it was happening again now.

Clearly, nothing about last night had affected her mother. Her concerns were nothing but the wails of an errant child. Hadn't that been what she'd said? She'd accused Federica of being a spoiled, inconsiderate child.

Anger, ferocious and uncanny, surged to the forefront of her mind, bringing with it the vicious slap of reality. She gripped her glass to contain her fury, barely managing to keep from breaking the glass. She'd surely be an irate child then.

Federica paused. Last night she'd defied her parents in an irate act to take back control of her life. She was already signed up to going to business school, but she wasn't about to let her parents dictate to her how she lived her summer, or anywhere after that.

Just like that, an idea pinged into her mind. Federica ushered it away: she would consider it later.

Federica carefully lowered her glass to the table. "I wasn't informed I was going to a birthday party," she said, ensuring her voice carried over to her mother.

Helena laughed it away. "The card arrived about two days ago. I didn't think you'd mind," she said and proceeded to turn back to her friend.

Rodrigo frowned, spotting the tell-tale sign of a ticking jaw as Federica fully turned towards her mother. A glance towards his wife said she wasn't paying attention anymore. Rodrigo's frown deepened.

"I do mind," Federica said, voice coming out a tad bit sharp. Roxana's eyes nearly bulged at the tone, and she looked across the table and met Cynthia's large glistening eyes peering over the rim of her juice glass. Clearly, she was amused. Helena looked up then, a slight crease between her brows indicating she finally understood the seriousness of the situation. "For one thing, I haven't been consulted about this event," she tilted her head in curious thoughtfulness, "or any other event."

Helena smiled tightly. Her sharp eyes assed the situation with quick efficiency, taking in the table at large who'd stopped to listen. What else could they do? Aina sat as regal and elegant as her name except for the worrying nibble on her lip as she stared between her sister and mother. Amada, ever Amada, watched her mother expectantly, a wry smile pulling one corner of her lips in that ever-present defiance.

"Yes, mother," she drawled. "Why wasn't Federica consulted?"

While Aina betrayed her frown, Helena held her annoyance in check. It was clear Amada was only up to no good, as usual. Rodrigo, her dear husband, sat back in his chair with a frown as he watched the scene.

Helena squared her shoulders. She had to heed her own advice to her husband: Federica needed time to see the good of what they were doing for her. With that in mind, she took a conspicuous deep breath and answered calmly. "Because I thought you'd appreciate a party with your own age. Adult parties can quickly become boring."

The consideration hadn't been given. Federica knew this for a fact. It was a well-constructed answer that would portray a concerned and caring mother. Federica's spine tightened as Amada's brow quirked at the answer.

Federica smiled. "Then you won't mind if I cancel it and go to the party."

Helena's frown tugged on her brows. "Come now, Alejandra," she said. "I'm sure Herman will understand."

Her daughter tilted her head. "What?" she asked curiously. "I wasn't aware I had made any plans."

The frown became a warning. "We have several events we must attend."

Herman grimaced across from her, a twinge of guilt lowering his brows. "Federica, it's alright."

"Now I insist," she said, turning to him, eyes wide and excited. Cynthia approved, Roxana was frozen solid in mortification. "It's a function with the youth of my age, where we get to socialize and meet people while having fun. Plus, it's sponsored by our youth center. It wouldn't look right if the daughter of one of this city's industrialists doesn't even take time to partake in the common excitements. Right?"

A tilt of her head, an inquisitive frown of her brows, and a tug of her lower lip: it was the perfect image of a dumbfounded Federica attempting to figure out what was wrong with that.



But, my mum would later settle and realise she overstepped. Buuuut... this is drama people! Let's all see where stubbornness really goes from here.

What do you guys think? Is this going to end up good? Or is this really going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

Talk to me. I love hearing from you.

As always, much love from me to you,


P.s: Read ahead as my Patreon. I don't charge my patrons per post; over all one dollar per month for access to all my posts.

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