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YASSS! Another chapter!!!



Roxana tugged her forward, reminding her she had to keep on moving. If no one knew, she needed to look calm and composed, like nothing had happened. It was odd that the most nervous of all of them was the one more composed. Then again, Roxana always looked flighty.

As soon as she entered the breakfast room, Federica had to reconsider her expression. The Ontiveros family was present for breakfast. A sparkle of hope gleamed somewhere. Surely, her mother wouldn't explode in front of guests, right? Helena took the family image very seriously.

"Good morning," she greeted. A few faces lifted at her greeting. Rodrigo and Mr. Ontiveros glanced from their discussion at one side of the table and nodded, the newspaper splayed open between them undoubtedly containing the topic of interest. She caught her father's slight frown and was reminded again about last night.

Federica turned away, suddenly too aware. She wouldn't have gone out last night if her parents hadn't exercised their grip on her.

Helena, June, and Mrs. Ontiveros had been having their own discussion on the other end of the table. From the open tablet, it was work as usual, and definitely about the wedding. She frowned at that. Aina sat between her future mother-in-law and her betrothed, seeming more remote from the preparation of her wedding than Federica had claimed last night. In fact, the sight of her in between them brought up one word from Federica's mind: trapped.

It didn't help that Aina didn't have that blush Federica had seen out in the woods. Aina and Diego didn't look like a happy couple. They looked remote. Federica's frown deepened.

Herman looked up as she entered, sat beside Amada, whose attention remained fixated on the papers in her hand. He offered her a kind smile. Federica had half expected a frown from him, about the last time they'd met. Just as quickly, Roxana's plea from yesterday hovered into the forefront of her mind. She just as quickly dismissed it. However, she remembered to smile a greeting.

Cynthia mumbled a simple, "Morning," before plopping down on the first seat, between Herman and his father. Herman's curiosity about the new girl was shared by his family. Mrs. Ontiveros stared questioningly at Helena, who returned the question to Federica. Federica's cheeks grew hot.

"Herman, Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Ontiveros, these are my friends: Cynthia Merrick, and of course, Roxana Quintanella," (Quintaneya) she introduced.

Toast in mouth, Cynthia's sliver of courtesy struck up with an impish smile and a coloring of her cheeks. "Hello," she muffled through her toast as Federica and Roxana sat down opposite her and Mr. Ontiveros.

Herman's frown did appear that time, blatantly ignored by Cynthia, but whatever thoughts he might have put to words was lost as Helena spoke, pointedly staring at Federica. "I do hope that's not your choice for church?"

Federica paused, hand gripping the handle of a jug of juice. Her cheeks grew even hotter as she realized she'd forgotten about the church. Cynthia, whose attendance at the school church had been MIA, snapped to attention as she frowned. "Church?" she asked.

Helena smiled courteously as she replied. "Yes, church," she said. "After all, decent girls go to church. Isn't that right Roxana?"

The only one of them dressed in church appropriate attire, mostly because she was naturally conservative, Roxana glanced back and forth between Cynthia and Federica with wide eyes.

"I–Yes, Aunty," she stammered as Nana Lucia directed three girls to set their breakfast plates before them. Roxana meekly sat back into her chair, the docile, good girl that Cynthia had teased her about. Cynthia pointedly stared across the table at Roxana, smiling sweetly when Federica glared her away.

"Lucia, have Magdalena set out some clothes for the girls," Helena ordered as she returned her gaze to the tablet before her. "And ensure there's another set appropriate for an evening dinner. We'll be going to Nicolas' gala opening tonight."

Federica fought back her frown. It didn't please her how Helena spoke so dismissively to Nana Lucia, but she tried not to let it show. When Nana Lucia turned back to ensure everything was as it should be, Federica smiled thankfully. The warm smile she got back was worth it, but she'd completely missed most of her mother's words by the time she returned to her bacon and eggs and was only brought back to the conversation when Cynthia struck up a conversation with Herman.

"Have you been here for long?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink after. Federica found herself fighting to frown. Where had she seen that before?

Roxana rolled her eyes. The action was stunning enough to catch Herman's befuddlement. She blushed, ducking her head.

Cynthia grinned. "I'm responsible for that," she said proudly, gracefully shrugging one shoulder.

Herman pursed his lips, but his amusement was clear. "Good on her," he said simply, reaching for his drink as Roxana's blush deepened.

A decidedly devious side of Federica crept up from the remnants of last night. Smile suppressed, she leaned into Roxana's ear and whispered: "Maybe you should keep him."

Roxana made the impossible possible as her cheeks darkened further, bordering on tomato red. Federica leaned back just in time to avoid her elbow jab, but she was incapable of keeping away her laughter, barely suppressing it into a snicker with the help of her hand.

Herman's smile was light as he watched them, a fond expression clear on his face. When he caught Federica staring, a notable pink blush surfaced over his cheeks and he turned back to his food. Federica felt her eyes widen as she realized exactly what that was. Cynthia obnoxiously winked at her.

She chose to ignore it. Some things were better off swept under the carpet. "Herman went to a day schooling," she said, calming her amusement.

Cynthia's brows rose in surprise before a curious smile pulled her lips. Federica knew that look too well: it was that of a tiger honing in on her prey.

"So, you're Herman," she said, closely inspecting her newfound interest. 


Dun! Dun! Dun!

Cynthia honey, be nice to Hermanito.

As promised to all my lovely newbies and oldies... Shall we dance to the tremble of a roguish boxer and his not ever obedient damsel in dare?

Thank you for sticking around. Let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to show me that love with a vote!

Loving you all,


P.s: If you'd like, please check out my other stories? I especially recommend The Vamp King's Troubles. It's to die for <--I dared!

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