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Federica took a deep breath. She needed to keep calm, relaxed, and composed. She needed to keep her wits about her and remember she was meant to look in charge, that she knew what she was doing. Losing her cool was the equivalent of wasting this golden opportunity.

They'd made it to the brunch, but at least twenty minutes later because they'd had to rejuvenate Bernardo for making him look for them all over the market and beyond it. Her angel and devil had unanimously, and without argument, agreed that she was wholly at fault. She didn't bother denying the claims.

If she'd thought she could weasel a pass for a ride from him, it was gone as soon as he remembered his duties. They were promptly ushered into the Audi and driven off to the golf club, where her mother had curtly informed her that she was twenty minutes late. Time had flown faster than she'd realized, and the trip to the club hadn't been short. That hadn't been a good first start.

The meal had gone on smoothly, until Cynthia had pointed out that the bridesmaids dresses looked like maternity clothes. This, to her mother's poor brows, had gained a few snickers of approval.

"They are to be cinched at the waist," Helena had promptly said, and this had returned the meeting to path. That had been another dampening factor.

After that, Federica had remembered she needed to talk to her parents. The summer had just begun. Juan's words had had more effect than she wished to elaborate on. Her parents still played a huge role in her life. She'd been reminded by her driver as he'd promptly told her 'Your mother will not be happy about this'.

As she stood before her parent's study, waiting for Aina to finish up with her report of the week, Federica frightfully hoped Bernardo had not told her mother yet. There it was: this was why she had to speak to her parents and make them see she could and should make her own choices. She couldn't even go down the street from a market without being promptly reminded she was being a bad girl.

Who ever lived without living? This was why she had with her the portfolio. She'd made this painting, this seriously large painting, for the whole of her last year. It was her second project, the one the art teacher had given each of her students to do as a memoir. She'd done it for her father, but when she'd gotten to the hacienda, she'd promptly forgotten it. She hoped it helped her case tonight.

Once again, she'd been greeting people she'd already met on other occasions of the week, was filled with people commenting about how happy they were to see her back, advised to enjoy her summer, but not too much, and asking about her future plans. Each time her mother had punctually informed them that it was up for discussion. This had given her hope. She held on to that hope at this moment, clutching the cylindrical portfolio with rising excitement and nerves.

Roxana and Cynthia were in the kitchen with Nana Lucia, but that had been to help take up every snack food known to man for their slumber party. Federica hadn't told them what she was planning to do. If she had, Cynthia would have been with her at that moment, making it worse than better. Sadly, in their relationship, Federica was the helpful support. Cynthia was the crashing ram.

Suddenly, the door pulled open. Aina's eyes widened as she saw Federica there. Federica smiled unsurely. "I hoped to speak to mama and papa," she said.

Aina nodded, and glanced back into the room to relate her message. "Come in, Federica," her father called. Her nerves were not settled by the serious note of his voice. He was always happy to see her. What had changed? But she forced herself in, the door pulled open for her by Aina.

Her father's study was still the same dark and masculine large room she remembered it to be. One full wall and at least three extended shelves were stacked with books, from encyclopedias to his favorite novels. One of the series was Leviathan. His large, foreboding desk sat before this wall, and a large leather chair behind it.

Streets of Valencia (#2 in The Billionaire Series)Where stories live. Discover now