Weasley twins X Reader (Torture)

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Ok so hi there bish this is my first story, so if you want to read it then read it but if you don't want to idgaf, any way you're last name here is Lucifer, lmao just added that cuz I love drama, anyway here's some bread🥖, thank you for reading this!


Warning!: carving words on you're wrist

Y/N Lucifer, that's your name, everyone is scared of you and your family because of what happened in the past, but you're not like them: you're a sweet girl but know how to kick someone's ass, funny, kind, brave, and smart. You don't really know what is the reason why people are getting scared when they heard you're last name, Lucifer.
All you know is your family tried to defeat the Malfoys's that's it, that's all you know.

Your house is Gryffindor which is weird because your whole family is a Slytherin, but that didn't bother you, no regrets, because of your boyfriends the Weasly twins, you have liked them since the day that you saw them at the train station in your first year at Hogwarts, and they feel the same to you too, they admitted their feelings at your the fifth year, and you admitted yours too, you guys are together for 2 years and you're happy and feel loved with them,

You're at the Gryffindor common while the war is going, you haven't seen your boyfriends, which made you worried sick, tired, while not knowing what to do next, you haven't seen your best friends to Hermione, Ron, and Harry. You found yourself panting because of fighting a lot of death eaters, suddenly you saw the door slowly opening, you prepared yourself from what's happening next you gripped you're wand tight. But you saw someone special to you, Fred and George, you ran and hug them tight as you can "ARE YOU GUYS OK?!" you let go of them, Fred grabbed your face, " Were ok love are you ok?" he asked, you nodded and kissed him "Yes darling was ok" George said and you kissed him too while Fred is scanning you're body with his hands to see if you're hurt.

And then the door opened, you saw Bellatrix Draco and his father, George grab you and put you behind him while Fred is preparing himself "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" George shouted with anger, Lucius punched Fred and Draco grabbed George, you tried to cast a spell on you're wand but you didn't get a chance, Bellatrix grabbed you and push you down which made you lay on the floor "STOP IT PLEASE DON'T HURT HER" Fred shouted with worried in his face while Lucius is holding him back, "PLEASE DON'T HURT HER HURT US INSTEAD" George screamed you can sense that his crying while Draco is holding him back, while you were laid down because of Bellatrix, you tried to fight it but you can't, she's on the top on you while pinning your wrist on the floor, "oh hi there dear" said Bellatrix "please stop" you whispered while crying "oh yes, do you remember WHAT YOU'RE FAMILY DID TO US?" " No please I don't know what happened, I'm just a kid!" you shouted while crying "oh really huh?"Bellatrix said "please don't hurt her" you saw Fred crying. Bellatrix slowly look at him and back to you, she pinned your right wrist harder, and started carving words on it with a knife "AHHH AGHHHHH NO PLEAS- UGHHHHHH" you screamed while crying so hard "NO PLEASE STOP IT! STOP IT!" Fred said while crying " NO, NO, NO PLEASE" George shouted while crying with his brother,

George nudged his elbow at Draco's stomach while Fred stomps his feet at Lucius's foot they grabbed their wand and Bellatrix let go of you they all ran, you just cried still laying on the floor, Fred and George ran up to you "I'm sorry I'm s-sorry I'm so sorry love I hate seeing you like this I'm s-so-rry" Fred said while he pulled you in his arms while slowly crying " how could they! they will pay for this darling, I'm so so s-s-sorry I lo-love you please forgive us you were hurt because we didn't help you, I'm sorry" he kissed your forehead, "you have nothing to be sorry for" you whispered while one tear fallen into you're eyes, "no love was so s-sor-ry" Fred said still crying, George grab your wrist to take a look of it "Merlin o my-" he didn't finish his sentence he hugged you right away and kissed you. Fred did the same he take a look at you're wrist and burst out of tears while kissing your wrist, "i'-i'm sorry" you take a look at your bloody wrist, it says 'Lucifer' on it you cried again, George hummed calming you down you kissed the both of them on the lips while still crying "I love you, forever" you whispered "we love you too"

Ok so idk if ppl are gonna read this piece of shit, anyway I'm sorry if it's too short, this is actually imagines book requests are open just pm me, (if you wanted to) I'm gonna make two chapters a day (well this bish is not really sure abt that) but I'm not gonna start today cuz I'm tired asf, so yeah I'm sorry again lmao my brain is just a piece of shit rn I only used my two brain cells here so ty if you read this! I give you bread🥖

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