𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣: 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙚

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"dr. giovanni is out to take vulcan's life?" the blonde boy asked, crossing his arms over his chest. the black haired fire soldier nodded. "i don't know the reason why, but that's what we felt." he explained. iris blinked and looked over at both satis and shinra. "the captain of the third was here trying to recruit vulcan-san, right?" she asked, tilting her head. "why would he be out for his life?" she asked. 

"might have something to do with the history they have." she stated. arthur looked up at her. "even if you tell vulcan about this, do you think he'll believe you?" he asked. "i mean, i don't believe it." he huffed. the white haired fire soldier crossed her arms over her chest. 

"does this have something to do with the 'adolla burst' you two mentioned right afterward?" iris asked. the afro japanese girl closed her eyes. 'adolla burst...and adolla link..' she thought, feeling the wind brush by her. the young girl opened her eyes.

"this happened back in asakusa, as well." she heard shinra say. "it was too distinct to be a mere hunch." he stated. the white haired girl nodded her head. "it's like i was hearing someone's voice." she informed. the black haired boy's red eyes wandered over to the sister.

"sister, you, satis, and arthur go back to the workshop and tell vulcan he's in danger." he stated. the blonde girl nodded her head. "right." she said. the blonde fire soldier looked at shinra. "what are you gonna do?" he asked. the black haired boy looked at his colleague. "i don't know if we're with just dr. giovanni, or company 3." he stated. "still, the other side won't know that we're here, too." he continued. "if I can ascertain the enemy's movements from a high vantage point, we can make the first move." he said. the white haired girl furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the black haired boy fly up.

"why can't i come?" she asked. "wouldn't it be better if someone backed you up?" 

"satis, you have a better chance of talking to vulcan." shinra said. "i'll be back. i promise."

"but i-"

"you, arthur, and i are the only ones who can fight!" he exclaimed, turning around. "it's up to you two now!" he shouted as he flew off. 

"wait! say that one more time!" the blonde soldier yelled to the black haired boy, who was now long gone. the afro japanese girl took a long, shaky breath. 

'i don't like this one bit.'

-time skip-

"you say dr. giovanni is going to kill me?" the red haired man asked, turning to the white haired girl. "i'm the one who resents him enough to kill him." he stated. "why should he come after me?" he asked. satis took a deep breath. "you gotta just..believe us." she said, looking up at vulcan. "consider it..a premonition of sorts." she eased. the young blacksmith chuckled a bit.

"i thought you were a little strange to be fire soldiers." he said, placing a hand on his hip. "but are you also using ridiculous threats to get me to come with you?" he asked. arthur furrowed his eyebrows at his question.

"you really don't have any idea why?" he asked, looking at the man. "you have some kind of history with haijima, right?" he asked. vulcan took a deep breath. "like i said, i'm the one who has beef with them!" he shouted. 

"ah, vulcan!" yu exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention. the white haired girl walked towards the door. "may i?" she asked the young boy, who moved aside. her gray eyes widened as she saw the white clad, surrounding the small workshop. 

"the back way is surrounded, too." she heard lisa say. 

"all for me?" vulcan questioned. "this is way out of proportion." he said. the blonde soldier sighed. "he let that big force get by unnoticed." he muttered under his breath.

"satis-san!" iris exclaimed, watching the young girl open the door. "what are yo-"

"i'm gonna go out there." she muttered, looking at the white-clad. "i already know how arthur is when he doesn't have his gear, so i'm gonna try to buy some time." she stated, closing the door behind her.

-outside the door-

the afro japanese girl took a deep breath, looking up at the men that surrounded the workshop. before she could get a word out her mouth, she felt something weighing down her wrists. 

"don't you dare think about using that ability of yours." a familiar voice warned. the white haired girl broke out into a cold sweat.

"w-when did you-"

"i've been here the whole time, love." wakana smirked, walking in front of her. satis sucked her teeth, sparking up her hands. she screamed out of pain as she felt a strong electric surge on her wrists.

"wrong move, you imbecile." her mother scoffed, watching her daughter cry out in pain. "those are electro bracers." she stated, smirking. "using your ability just one time will get you one million volts on each wrist." she said, walking up the girl. the afro japanese girl fell to the ground as the bracers on her wrists stopped shocking her. 

"crazy bit-"

her mother kicked her in the face.

"you really are weak." wakana chuckled darkly, kicking the female fire soldier again. "look at you. defenseless." she cooed, watching the young girl cry out in pain again before going unconscious.  "who would have thought that my own child would possess an adolla burst." she hummed, raising her left hand. "kaname, grab her." 

the woman summoned her snake, watching it grab the unconscious girl with its tail. the white clad woman smirked, placing a hand on her hip and looking back at the men that stood before her. 

"mirage, flail." she started. "do you have everything under control here?" she asked. the short stocky man bowed slightly. "yes, my liege." he said, standing upright. the woman nodded. "faithfulness to the evangelist." she said. the men bowed down. "faithfulness to the evangelist." they repeated. 

"kaname, lets go." she said to her snake as she walked. the large flaming snake nodded, slithering with the female fire soldier in his tail. 

"let's see what little miss haumea can do with this little phenomenon..." wakana whispered, violet eyes wandering up to her eldest daughter.


hmmm short chapter.

next chapter, we'll be meeting the owner of the voice that talks to satis.

and i'll be skipping a few episodes for the next chapters 

but you all know the drill

let me know what you all think!

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