𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣: 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙚

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(play the song above throughout the whole chapter)

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(play the song above throughout the whole chapter)

it's been a week since satis has been kidnapped.

one whole week since she last contacted her family.

and it honestly worried one of the middle children of the wakamiya household.


"grandma, i'm gonna go out for a walk." the black haired boy said, putting his shoes on at the front door. the older woman blinked and looked over at her grandson. "make sure to be back before dinner, adonis." she said. the young boy nodded, opening the door and closing it afterward.

adonis reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone and tapping the messenger app. 


make sure you do your homework and drink lots of water!

✞ঔৣthe donঔৣ✞

yeah. yeah. do a good job at work today.


got it! love you, donny.

✞ঔৣthe donঔৣ✞

love you too, moron.

"one week.." the boy muttered, shoving his phone back his pocket. "there's no way...right?" he questioned, looking up at the special fire force company 8th's cathedral. he felt his face heat up. "what should i say?" he whispered, pacing around. "i just...came here without thinking." he muttered. "i don't know what to say." he continued.

 "this is totally out of my zone! i'm goin-"

"ummm..." a voice started, interrupting the young boy's thoughts. the black haired boy blinked his light brown eyes, looking up and noticing a black haired girl standing in front of him. 

"may i help you?"

-time skip-

the blonde nun placed a cup of water in front of the young wakamiya. "a-ah thank you!" he blurted out to the girl, who smiled at him. "you're welcome." she said. adonis gulped, taking the glass of water in his hand. his light brown eyes wandered around the office room, more specifically, the desk he was sitting at. 

it was his sister's desk.

how'd he know?

the desk was adorned with pictures of the family after the incident. his eyes recognized pictures from him and nana's 5th birthday. another picture was when satis had just turned 8. another one was when satis first joined the academy when she was 13. he couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

"do you know satis?" a voice asked, startling the boy. he swiveled around, noticing a black haired boy next to him. he blinked, taking a deep breath before facing forward. "y-yeah..." he stuttered, leaning his head on his hand. "she's my older sister." he informed the boy. 

"so, you're adonis." he said, gaining the black haired kid's attention. "she's mentioned you to me before." he said. the young boy blinked, looking back at him. "what's your name?" he asked the fire soldier, who gave him a small smile. "shinra kusakabe." he informed the boy. the young boy blinked again, pointing at him. "she mentioned you to me before, too." he stated. the black haired fire soldier raised an eyebrow.

"like what?"

"she told me that you shoot flames from your feet." he informed. "she also says that you're obsessed with heroes, even at your age." he added. the black haired boy could feel a tick in his head. 

'oh, when i find her...'

"what has she said about me?" the young boy asked, gaining the boy's attention. the black haired fire soldier smiled at him. "she says that you're really smart." he stated, leaning back in his chair. "said that you were in the top of your class back in middle school." he added. adonis felt his face heat up. "y-yeah.. i was.." he mumbled, looking down at his sister's desk. 

'she still talks highly of me...' he thought, taking a deep breath. "hey, shinra..." he started, looking up at the fire soldier slowly. 

"where's satis?" he asked. adonis watched as his red eyes widened. "u-uh you see.." he stammered, his mouth forming into his signature smile. the black haired wakamiya sighed.

"she's gone, isn't she?" 

the japanese boy took a deep breath before nodding his head. "y-yeah.." he stuttered. "she ended up getting kidnapped by some nasty people." he said. adonis nodded slowly, eyes wandering over to the pictures that were on his sister's desk. he took a long, shaky breath.

"where's her room?"

-time skip-

the younger wakamiya opened the room to his sister's room. he took a step inside, inhaling the air. 'it smells like her..' he thought, looking around. 'and it's surprisingly clean.' he examined. he took a step towards the desk in her room. on the desk were some more pictures. one of them were of their late father, another was a picture of him, satis, and nana. on the frame of that picture were little sticky notes, each saying "do it for them!" 

"you're a strong boy, donny! maybe you can be the man of the house."

'sis, i'm not sure if i-'

"adonis, if anything happens to me, take good care of everyone, got it?"


"you're strong, right?"

the young wakamiya began to shake. tears began to stream down his face. "not without you..." he whispered. the black haired soldier walked over to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. the teal eyed boy sharply inhaled and turned around, slapping shinra's hand away from him.

"bring her back!" adonis cried out. "bring my sister back!" he wailed. the black haired fire soldier watched as satis' younger brother sink down into the floor. 

"i can't be strong if she isn't here..." he sobbed. the fire soldier with him looked over at the picture on the girl's desk.

"i want to become someone my younger siblings can look up to."

'you've already been a huge impact on them, satis...' shinra thought, kneeling down to the boy. he tapped his shoulder, watching the black haired wakamiya raise his head.

"what?" he sniffled, wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. the black haired fire soldier took a deep breath before he spoke. 

"adonis, i'll make you a promise." he said. the boy blinked, nodding his head slowly. 

"i'll bring your sister back safe." he said, eyes full of determination. adonis sniffled again, rubbing his eyes. "promise?" he asked. shinra couldn't help but smile at him. he placed his hand on top of the boy's head. 

"i promise." he said before ruffling his hair. "now smile!" he said, giving the young wakamiya a big smile. adonis couldn't help but follow his order and smile at him. 

"thank you...shinra-san."


after about fifteen chapters, adonis has reappeared. 

this time, depressed.

jokes aside, i enjoyed writing this chapter

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