Chapter 1

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Hi, NighStars!

So since i'm doing the rewritten version of Trolls but the beginning is different cause everyone knows how the movie begins, etc. I can't just repeat it again.

So without furthur ado, here's the first chapter of the Rewritten version of Trolls!


A new and bright sunny summer day has started in a small village, but not just any village, it is a village with the most happiest creatures that no one has ever seen, the trolls.
Inside a pink pod hang on a tree branch, a light purple skined troll with dark blue and purple hair, named NightStar, is happily sleeping on her bed. She loves to sleep and wishes she never woke up.

Until a tall shadowy figure came over her, she rubbed her eyes and open them slowly and then-


She smiled at the troll in front of her, it was just Cooper, her new best friend/roomate. NightStar has been living in troll village for a few weeks now, since he and his friends saved her life on the day they met her. She was a little traumatized by the event and stayed with Cooper cause he is the only one that she trusted back then, but now she has a lot of friends to make her smile again. Since she doesn't have a home to live Cooper gladly volontiers to share his pod with her and the two became unseprable since.

"Morning, Cooper."

"Aww, Morning." He goarned in fustration cause he wasn't able to scare her.

"No matter how many times you tried to scare me it's not going to happen."

"That's a bummer, I though I was going to get you this time."

NightStar changed her pijamas, into her morning clothes. She's wearing a white dress with a pink jacket on, her head band that has one star on each side and her blue and purple glasses.
" is the anniversay of the village since you're escape from the Bergens. How can I not be scared of something?"

She realized he is no longer there.

"Cooper? Buddy?"



Cooper came out from behind and scared her when she wasn't expecting.
"I got you! I got you good! I got you so hard! I-I didn't scared you, did I?"

"What no! No! You didn't! I was just catching my breath."

"Are you sure cause..."

"Pal, it's okay. I'm okay. I don't need to worry about it cause I know it's you. That's why I don't get scared."

They softly smiled at each other, when they heard a familiar cow bell.

"That's out cue!"

"Let's get ready to sing!" NightStar jumped on his back as they got out of the pod.

Poppy: Everybody, move your hair and feel united
Oh oh oh
Everybody, shake your hair and feel united
Oh oh oh

Yeah! Everybody's coming to the celebration
I'mma hook you up with the invitation
Let your hair swing and party with me
No bad vibes, just love, you'll see

Poppy and Dj Suki:
Do the D-A-N-C-E
1, 2, 3, 4, fight
Stick to the B-E-A-T
Get ready to ignite
You were such a P-Y-T
Catching all the lights
Just easy as A-B-C
That's how you make it right

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