Chapter 5

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In the castle lied on his throne a misrable Prince Gristle Jr. who is now King of the Bergens. He hadn't been happy been happy for 20 years since the last Trollstice.

"Oh Barnabas, your my only friend in this hole misrable world." He said petting his pet Aligador who in return rolled his eyes. He then looked at the picture of him and his now late father. "Dad wad right, i'll never, never, never, never, never be happy, never."

"Never, say never...!" An echoey voice yelled the hole room. That alerted the guards look where it came from.

Suddenly out of the pot plant came out Chef. That spooked Gristle, the guards pointed their spears at her, Barnabas just growled in a menacing way. Chef walked to the King.

"Chad. Todd." She said to the guards talking her cape off and crushed the maids vacuum in the process.

"Chef where did you come from?! My father banished you 20 years ago!" Gristle then tilted his head in confusion. "Have you been standing behind that plant this hole time?"

"If only sire." She bowed down to the new King. "No, i've been out in the wilderness thinking of nothing, but how I let you down. If only there was some way I could make you feel better."

"Well fat chance. The only way that I will be happy is by eating a troll, and that ain't going to happen thanks to you!"

"But it just might, thanks to me..." Chef unzipped her fanny pack, revealed the trolls that she took from 'Troll Village'. They all poked their heads singing a single note in perfect harmony. Gristle, the maid and the guards gasped in awe.

"You found the trolls..." He was about to grab one, but Chef slapped his hand. "So this means, I might actually get to be happy!"

"That's right." Chef replied as trolls shivered in fear and zipped closed her fanny pack. "Of course everyone else in Bergen Town will still be miserable, but that's none your concern."

"I am their King so maybe it kinda is?"

"What exactly are you proposing? Bringing back Trollstice? For everyone?"

"Yes! That's exactly what i'm proposing!"

"Great idea sire! Absolutley brilliant! Aren't you smart."

"I guess I am"

"And I your loyal chef will be right behind you, holding a knife..." Chef mumbled that last part.

"Was that?" Gristle asked.

"Holding a knife, a spoon, a ladle." Chef lied. "I'm the your chef after all."

"Yeah you sure are!"

Chef burst in her old Kitchen,  looking new since the day she was banished. "I'm back!"

"You scolary maid, what's your name?"

"Uh, Bridget."

"Congratulations Bridget you work for me now. So take those dishes down stairs and you start scrubing!"

Bridget took a tall stack of dishes and when to wash them. Yes Chef, thank you Chef."

After that Chef opened her fanny pack and trew the trolls, and locked them in a cage.

"Where in serious problem now." Said  a worry DJ Suki.

"Where all gonna die!" Cooper said terrified.

"Don't cry Mr. Dinkles! Guys Mr. Dinkles is really freaking out!" Biggie was actually being the one who is freaking out as his pet worm mewed.  

"Woah, woah everyone we must all remained calm." Creek calmly replied.

"No wonder NightStar doesn't like you." Cooper spoke up.

"Wait what?" Creek cleary heard that last part but was cut off by Chef.

"That's right a calm troll is a tasty troll and you are keen ingredient for my recipe of succes."

They all gasped in fear.

"You see he who controls the trolls, controls the Kingdom, and I, I am that he!"

"Your a dude?" Cooper asked weirdly what he heard what Chef said. With anger Chef cut a lemon, took one slice and squirted the juice from his eyes that caused him to scream from the burn of the acid juice.

"By this time tomorrow, I will be Queen, and all of Bergen Town will get exactly what they deserved, true happiness!" Chef evily laughed as thunder crashed outside.

Unknowning to the Snack Pack, help is on the way.

Somewhere else in the castle, the trio made it inside without getting spotted. They grabed on a light chandelier and swing to the other side and safely landed.

"Where do you think they are?" NightStar whispered to Branch.

"If I had to guess, i'd say in Bergen stomach."

"Could you try be positive, Branch?" Poppy hissed. "Just once you might like it."

"Okay, i'm not sure that their only alive, but about to be delivered to, on a silver platter."

"Thank you, now that makes me feel better." NightStar sighed. "But still doesn't helped where they are."

"Come on, how would you not know everything about the Bergens?" Branch replied, made NightStar eyes widded. She really doesn't know much about the Bergens since she is new to the village and heard little information from Cooper.

"I'm new to the village remember?"

"Yeah and I still don't get it why you didn't tell anyone where you actually come from?" That made him suspicious, every troll should know about the Bergens. What if she wasn't really a troll. But an imposter.

"Branch! She doesn't want to talk about it." Poppy took the young troll's defense.

"That unless if she's even a real troll. Have you seen her eyes? Not normal." Branch whispered to Poppy so that she can't hear. "Have you heard what happend to Cooper a few weeks ago?"

"Yes, I have. He got hurt why?" Poppy was trying to get what's he saying.

"Isn't it weird that a troll got injured from falling from a tree when that never happend before?"

"What are you saying Branch?"

"I'm saying that NightStar might did something to him."

Poppy was quite surprise by his answer. How can he think of a kid that way? She knew that NightStar wouldn't be capable of such thing. Cooper is her best friend, NightStar wouldn't never hurt him. Or did she? Poppy remembered the day she asked NightStar where did come from. Her weird additude from that question made her realized something that maybe NightStar is hiding something from everyone, and that Cooper is covering for her.

But she doesn't have time to think of that now. "We'll talk about that later."


NightStar realized something. "Guys!"

"Hug Time? Serious-" NightStar shushed him. They heard other bracelets ding from the dining hall.

'Bingo!' NightStar thought. They found them!

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