Chapter 4

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The next morning, the trio finally reached the tunnels, but with one problem, there are a lot of them.

"So one of these tunnels leads to the 'Troll Tree'." Poppy guest.

"That's right." Branch replied.

"So many of them, but which one is the one we should go to?" NightStar asked as they got close to one of them.

"I don't know." Branch said.

"Chose a hole wisely, for one will lead to Bergen Town, and the others, to certain death!" A mysterious voice wad heard from somewhere which alerted them.

"Who said that?!" "Yeah who?" Branch asked suspicious as NightStar is more afraid to know.

"IT WAS... me." It was just a simple anthropomorphic cloud, who was wearing socks on his feet. "Hey guys how's it going welcome to the route tunnels, uh I just wanted to warn you one of these tunnels leads to the troll tree and the others to certain death!" Cloud Guy made the last sentance echo drama effect.

"Could please tell us which one is the right one? We're kinda in a hurry." NightStar asked.

"You bet."

"Great" "Yes..." But the girls joy was interrupted by Branch. "No it's okay where good thanks."

"Uh Branch, he's trying to help us." Poppy whispered. "I don't like the looks on him, I mean who wears socks with no shoes?" Branch replied.

"Well at least he must know where to go." NightStar made a point. Branch finally gives up and agrees. "Okay, fine." He turns to Cloud Guy. "Which way do we go?".

"First you have to give me a high-five, then i'll tell you."

"What?" Branch was surprised.

"Oh, oh! I love high-fives, i'll do it!" Poppy lifted her hand excitedly.

"Oh I know you'll do it, but will he? Alright dumpy dipers, up high."

"Nope I don't do high-fives..."

"Slap in the boss."

"Not gonna happend..."

"Party on the top floor?"


"Make daddy happy?"

"That's weird..."

"Come on, just one little high-five."

"Oh, no thanks, i'm good..." Said Branch sarcasticly..

"Here just do this, but with your hand." Cloud Guy demonstrates it with his other hand.

"Thank you for that demonstration really clear up exactly what I would 'not' be doing...!"

"Branch it's just a high-five! One of them leads to certain death! If I die i'm gonna haunt you despite being a ghost, and it will not be pretty..." NightStar snapped impatiently face-to-face at the survivalist troll. Branch noticed her eyes glowing dark red suddenly, he must be seeing things, trolls can't glow eyes. Despite, her glare made him get chills even if he's the tuffest one here.

"One high-five, and then you'll tell us which tunnel to take right?" He said to Cloud Guy.

"So easy..."

"Okay fine!" He trew his hand, but Cloud Guy avoid the high five. "To slow." The cloud teased. "To slow?!" Branch was getting heritated.

Cloud Guy laughed a little. "Classic." Poppy also thought it was funny. NightStar wasn't laughing, she was getting impatient by someone who is willing to help them, but instead he's having fun at a situation like right now?! She came all this way to save Cooper while each moment passed by the more he and the others where about to become Bergen food. She still remain calm as she didn't want to go on a rampage.

"Alright, i'll let you slide with a fice-bump. Woop! Shark attack! Nom, nom, nom! Jellyfish! Hand sandwich. Jerky! Snowman! Dolphin! Helicopter! Grass Hooper! Monkey in the Zoo!" Cloud Guy made different shapes with his hands.

"What?" Branch was as confused and getting fustrated. NightStar's anger was rising up.

"Gear shift!" He made a gear shift that made him Poppy burst out laughing at it. "Okay, okay, okay, now i'm thinking we hug."

That was the last straw for Branch and NightStar. Branch grabed a branch that was in front of him and broke it in two with anger, making them pointy, ready to get him. NightStar's eyes glowed and turned dark red and had small black pupill showing no emotion but anger. She growled like an angry wolf ready to rip someone apart, hading enough.

Cloud Guy turned from happy to afraid, like a scary person, he started to rain and knew that he was toast.

The two angry troll where chassing a helpless cloud in blind rage as Poppy is chasing them from behind trying to stoped them from doing something crazy. Without knowing the four of them entered the right tunnel that leads to the 'Troll Tree'.

"Tada! Where here." Said Cloud Guy as he stopped running.

"Wait what?" Said NightStar as she and the others stopped for a moment.

"You guys where alot of fun, you know I gotta go, got some cloud stuff to take care of catch you on the way back unless... You died!" Like that the talking cloud left them.

The trio realized that they made it to Bergen Town at last. "The Troll Tree..." "Bergen Town..." "Woah..."

Bergen Town, the most saddest place in the land. No one is happy in this town they are as misrable and grey as a de-colored rainbow. The Bergens mumbeled a song that even NightStar couldn't properly understand.

"Geez, they are as misrable as you Branch." NightStar whispered in which she got a surprised look from him.

Then Poppy's face lit up "Which means, they haven't eaten a troll yet! Come on let's got save our friends!"

"Your friends." Branch corrected her.

"Whatever let's just go already...!" NightStar immediatley made them stop talking and started to head to the castle. The main objective now is to get the others out of the castle.

Really I didn't almost understand the part where the Bergens where singing in the movie when Poppy and Branch arrive to Bergen Town.

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