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(The storyline follows the plot of Frozen up until the end. Anna jumps in front of Elsa to save her from Hans, but Elsa doesn't have enough control over her magic, and Anna stays frozen)

Hans walked towards Elsa slowly, staring at her in rage as she wept over her sister's frozen body. He startled her when he spoke. "This is all your fault. If you never came to Arendelle, your sister would still be alive." Elsa looked up at him. "Our marriage would have been a disaster, but it would have prevented this. You were just to weak to stay." he smirked and came closer to her, grabbing her arm. He whispered in her ear "You should have stayed in the Dark Kingdom where you belonged. If you had married me this never would have happened. Your parents begged me to marry you because you are a freak that needs to be controlled. You never should have been born."

Elsa glared up at him slowly. "Shut up." she spoke very quietly. "What was that?" "I said SHUT UP! You did this. You killed my sister. This is all your fault, and I won't let you get away with it." she screamed at him. Hans threw her on the ground and looked down at her in disgust. "It's too late, I already have Ice Queen." Elsa was shaking in rage. She wanted nothing more than to let it all go, to send wave after wave of ice at him, to manipulate his fear and drive him to insanity, to heal him just to make him go through all of it again. She wanted to make him feel just as much pain as he had caused her, and then some. Elsa stood up and looked at Hans. "Something you'd like to say princess?" he smirked. She stood in silence, rose her hand, and sent dark ice spikes up his torso.

 She stood in silence, rose her hand, and sent dark ice spikes up his torso

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Kristoff stared at Elsa in shock. He didn't know of her or Anna's past and was very confused to see dark sand in the ice spikes she used to kill Hans. Elsa's dress had changed from blue to black. The butterfly in her hair was gone and Etta stood at her side. Kristoff frantically spoke "What just happened? You just killed someone! What kind of magic is this? What is that thing, wasn't it just a butterfly? I thought you had ice powers, not whatever this is! Anna said you'd never hurt anyone!" Elsa forgot he was watching her. She turned around quickly and looked at him. Her heart broke when she saw how scared he was. What hurt the most was that she could sense that he was absolutely terrified of her specifically. "Kristoff..." Elsa took a step forward, but he jumped back. "N-no! Get away from me! Get away you MONSTER!" tears started to stream down her face. Elsa knew she was tough enough to get through most things unbothered, but she could never handle being called a monster. It was like a knife directly to the heart no matter how many times she heard it.

Elsa's instincts told her to run, and she listened. Quickly she leaped onto Etta's back and rode off into the dark forest, and back up into the mountains. Once they got to the top of one of the mountains, Elsa gave Etta some time to rest. She sat down in the snow and stared out at the sky and the water. She heard a terrible voice that she hoped she would never have to hear again, her father.

"Hello Elsa." Pitch walked up to her. Elsa turned around and looked at him in shock. "How did you find me?" "Your dark magic is still mine. I can sense when you use it. Anytime you would have shadow jumped, used your dark sand, or manipulated someone's fear, I could sense it and track you easily." he explained. "What about when I'm with Etta, or when I sense fear?" Elsa was worried he would always be able to find her. "No, sensing fear is more of a natural skill than a magical ability. Etta is also part you, severing my connection to her." They stood staring at each other for a moment, then Pitch spoke again. "You made the wrong choice when you left Elsa." "Don't even start. You and mother were crazy. She beat me because I said no to one thing. I didn't have a choice." "You were born for greatness my little nightmare, you just couldn't see it at the time. I did not come to fight, but I also did not come to bargain. I am simply here to bring you back to your home." Pitch reasoned. Elsa looked at him in disbelief. "I am home. I will never return to the Dark Kingdom. I don't belong there. This is where I belong." Pitch sighed. "Alright fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." 

He went back into the shadows. Elsa was caught off guard when he came up behind her and struck her down. She tried to get back up, but he stepped on her wrist and put a black ring on her hand. Pitch began to walk away as Elsa stared at her hand, trying to get the ring off of her. "What is this? What did you do to me?" she yelled. "That is an eternity ring, containing dark magic. It has linked you to the Dark Kingdom forever. Now no matter where you go, you will always be connected to your homeland, people, and family." Pitch continued to walk away into the shadows. He looked over his shoulder one last time, said "Goodbye Elsa." and disappeared into the darkness.

Dark!Elsa Storyline (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now