Chapter 1

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Honestly, who knew things could do a 180° so quickly. The uneasy, swift and unpredicted change was something no one could get used to, change always happened subtly, or well, sometimes in extreme cases it was more abruptly. But not on the 8th of August. A day that determined a young boys future, a day that would be known as the start of a new world for everyone. An unknown world...


SummerCreek School -
English <ROOM 31>
[8th August 14:40]
Akaashi Satos P.o.v

There were only a handful of minutes before the bell would ring. The classroom was mostly silent, with the exception of The scratching of pencils on paper coming from the students who controlled the pencil like a puppet to do their bidding, there was an odd whisper here and there from students who sat next to each other, everyone anxiously waiting for the bell to chime. Though, the silence didn't last when a shout from the small group of students was heard. Chair legs scraping against the hard floor, like sharp nails on a chalkboard, it made Akashi Cringe.

"Could the clock go any faster?!" The threatening voice of one of the loudest people in the school bounced off the walls, there was a large chance that other students who had already been dismissed heard the echo. 'Here we go again' Akashi thought with a huff, sometimes, there was always that one person to ruin the so desired peace in the classroom.

"Sanders, please sit back down and continue with your work," the female teacher, Ms Western asked with a soft tone. Ms Western was a gentle teacher, who was most of the students favourite since she was laid back and allowed the student to do as they wished as long as they got their work done. She wasn't the kind of teacher that dealt well with loud mouths like Sanders who couldn't sit still for even a second.

"Why Don't ya' dismiss us already, Hah?" Sanders screeched out like an angry dog. Akashi summoned the image of a pomeranian barking, but the sound only came out as a harmless yip, and the size of the dog wasn't an issue. But Akashi knew better than to underestimate others.

"Sanders, Please sit back down and finish the rest of your work, I'll dismiss you when you have all done," Ms Western assured, standing up and placing a hand on the desk, her hand slid against the hard oak wood with a smooth action. Yeah, there was no doubt about it, Ms.Western couldn't harm a fly.

"Dismiss us already you old hag, pretty much everyone's done anyways!" The angry pomeranian continued to bark out. No, it wouldn't be right to say that, Sanders continued shouting at the harmless teacher, and soon enough Akashi decided he had, had enough of Sanders Overly oversized ego, which was all the young boy had to him.

"We're trying to finish our work, I suggest you sit down and continue yours too, or you'll end up staying during lunch" Akashi sighed out, rubbing his temples in frustration. He could feel a headache brewing up inside of him and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"Excuse you?! Wanna repeat that?" The overly loud Student with an ego just about as big as his mouth snarled, It wouldn't have been fair to say 'ego as big as his head', since Sanders only seemed to have a few brain cells which he must have been close to losing, and in actual fact - Sanders head size was rather average - Surprisingly anyway.

"God's you're so loud" Akashi grunted.

"Oh keep it quiet mommy's boy, We all know you've got nothing to ya," Sanders turned to face Akashi, his sentence added fuel to a growing fire inside in Akashi's stomach. His Fury was growing by the minute, and it would be a few more pushes before Akashi would regretfully lunge at the pomeranian. Well, regretfully or not, he wouldn't sit down and take it when someone was talking bad about his mom.

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