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Their last shift was exhausting, so the recently engaged couple spend the day on the couch watching Netflix. After dinner, they decide to watch one last movie before they go to sleep but Matt falls asleep ten minutes in. 

Noticing this, Sylvie gets up and goes to the bathroom, taking her bag with her. She sits on the bathtub and takes out the three tests she bought yesterday. She is nervous. Matt and her haven't really talked about kids, yet. She knows that they both want kids in the future but that's it. 

Those two minutes waiting for the results are excruciatingly slow. Finally, the timer on her phone goes off. She sits on the floor. She is too scared to look at the pregnancy tests on the counter. 

A bomb goes off in the movie playing on the TV. It wakes Matt up. He sees that Sylvie is not next to her. He pauses the movie and goes to look for her.

"Sylvie," he calls out.

"In the bathroom," she replies. "Can you come in here, please?" Matt goes in the bathroom and finds his fiancée sitting on the bathroom floor. He can see on her face that she is nervous. He sits down next to her and wraps his arm around her. She won't look at him.

"What's wrong?" he asks her.

"I might be pregnant."


"I might be pregnant. I took three pregnancy tests but I am too scared to look at them. They are on the counter. Can you look, please?" Matt gets off the floor to see grab the tests. He looks at them and squats in front of her.

"Well?"she asks him. She looks up and sees him grinning.

"We are going to have a baby," he says.

"We are going to have a baby?" she repeats softly.

"We are."

She grins and tackles him in a hug. They both laugh.

"We are having a baby!" she exclaims. They stay like that, laying on the floor and talking about the baby, for an hour before they decide to go to bed. 

~~~~~NEXT SHIFT~~~~~

Everyone, except for Matt, is in the kitchen eating breakfast and chatting like they do every morning. 

"Hey, why do you say we get sushi for lunch?" Foster suggests to her partner.

"Not really in the mood for sushi. How about pizza?" Sylvie tells her.

"Not in the mood for sushi? Who are you and what have you done to Sylvie Brett?" Kidd asks her.

"Haha, very funny. I am just not in the mood for sushi." She looks at her plate.

"You are hiding something," Cruz says.

"No, I am not," Sylvie replies quickly, still not looking anyone in the eyes.

"Come on, you know you want to tell us," Herrmann presses.

"There is nothing to tell," she insists. 

"Are you sure about that?" Foster asks.

"Fine," Brett says to them," I am pregnant."

"Are you serious?" Joe asks. Sylvie nods. Everyone starts cheering and hugging her. Matt comes in and sees the commotion and knows immediately that Brett told them. 

Yesterday, they talked about it and decided not to tell anyone about the baby yet. The only problem was that Sylvie Brett is very bad at keeping secrets and lying.

"Seriously, Sylvie? You couldn't even make it through breakfast?"

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