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Brett and Cassey had been secretly dating for two month. Not even Stellaride and Foster knew about their relationship. Matt was surprised they were able to keep their relationship a secret for so long. When Kelly and Stella got engaged a month ago, Matt decided to move out  to give the newly engaged couple the privacy they need. Since Sylvie and Matt didn't have to worry about their roommates finding out about their relationship, they had been spending more and more time together.

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen eating lunch and chatting. It had been a relatively quite shift so far for the firefighters but not so much for the paramedics. They had been on call after call. Kidd noticed Sylvie smiling at her phone, "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing," Sylvie replied, putting her phone away.

"Oooh, you know what that is code for; her secret boyfriend," Foster said.

"Brett has a boyfriend?" Herrmann asked.

"She does but she won't tell us who he is. I am shocked that she has been able to keep it a secret for so long," her roommate said. 

"How long have you been seeing this guy?" Mouch asked Brett. 

"Two months yesterday."

"Did you do anything to celebrate?" Cruz said.

"No. What are we 15? Now, can we please change the subject?" Brett replied.

"We will but one last question. Are you happy?" Matt asked, trying very hard not to smile. She turned to look at him with a look full of love and told him that she was very happy. Brett was about to change the subject when the bell rung.


Emily and Sylvie groaned and got up. " I am so tired," the former said.

~~~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY~~~~~~~~~~

On their way to dinner Kelly and Stella decided to stop by Matt's to give him the mail that was sent to their place. When the door opened, standing in front of them instead of Matt was Sylvie Brett wearing one of his t-shirts with a shocked look on her face.

"You are not the pizza delivery guy. Hi, guys." She 

"Hey, Sylvie," a very amused Stella said.

"Come in." She stepped aside for them to come in. " Matt's in the kitchen."

 That's when they heard Matt yell," Babe, do you want red or white wine?" The couple turned to look at the girl next to them. " Never mind, I'm out of white."

"Matt is the secret boyfriend? Did you know about this?" Stella asked her fiancé.

"I did not but I can't say that I am surprised." He replied. Matt came in the living room with two glasses of wine, set them on the table and turned to look at his girlfriend. The moment he saw Severide and Stella, he knew that the secret was out.

"Hey, guys. Everything okay?"

"Yes, we just came to give you your mail before going to dinner. Here you go," Kelly said, handing him a couple of envelopes. 

"Thank you." There was a long awkward pause before Stella said that they needed to get going because they had reservations. She hugged Brett and whispered to her that they would talk about this later.  After they left, Sylvie and Matt sat down on the couch.

"Maybe, it's time to tell everyone about us," Sylvie said to Matt.

"I agree but let's worry about that tomorrow." After saying that, they heard the bell ring. This time it was the pizza. 

The next shift Firehouse 51 knew about their relationship and they were happy for them.

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