Chapter 7

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Patton crippled back pulling himself away from the TV, dumbfounded, he couldn't say a thing. But his face said it all.

"W-w...what?" He trembled pressing replay on the TV.

It ran though like before and then he replayed it again and again and again until he was satisfied with everything.

Nothing ran straight through his mind. Nothing made sense to him. Nothing felt like it was true to him anymore. Why did they ignore him?

Several hours passed and it was almost 4am. All through out that time, all Patton did was replay it. Looking for one sign, any sign that this was fake. That is was all a ruse to unsettle him, that it was all a terrible prank that his parent set up....

....why would his parents set this up anyway? They barely even talk to him? They don't even look in his direction half of the time. Do they...hate him?

Deep down, Patton knew that was the case, but a minuscule tear couldn't help but drip down his cheek as he curled into a stiff ball, passing out.


Patton felt it again.

That warmth.

"Wake up Patton, you're gonna be late," Janus shook Patton's body as he crouched beside him, completely bewildered by the state Patton was in. He was a mess.

"Huh...?" Patton mumbled, wiping the drool from his mouth as he opened his eyes.

Janus chucked some clothes at Patton,"You idiot, we'll be late for school," he exclaimed, pulling Patton up. The tingly sensation travelled all through his body, so softly yet so harsh it startled him.

"Oh...oh, Oh!" Patton yelled, grabbed the clothes and dashing away to get changed.

From the other room, Patton yelled through the door, "Janus! I have to show you something after school! It's important!"

"Oh shit! I can't Patton! I'm staying at my mother's today! It's only once a month due to the custody agreement though!" Janus yelled back as he sorted out Patton's bag quickly.

"That's okay!" Patton called back as he walked back to Janus and grabbed his bag and the two left for school.


Waiting at the gate was Virgil.

He stared as the ground as he tapped his foot gently as he stood there.

"Virgil!" Patton called out, skipping over to him cheerily.

"Um...hi Patton," Virgil greeted back will a small wave as Janus walked up behind Patton.

Today Janus forgot to put the foundation on so he looked a bit scary to people who didn't know him....which explains Virgil's reaction to Janus.

"Um....Patton there's erm....someone behind" He pointed timidly behind him.

"That's Janus!" Patton happily smiled at the sight of his two friends meeting.

"Nice to meet you," Janus held out his hand for a handshake before Virgil politely declined with a pair finger guns. It did kind of look awkward but Janus got the message as he lowered his hand. "Alright, let's go Patton...and Virgil,"

The two nodded, one more enthusiastic than the other. Can you guess which one?

The three of them got along decently with the occasional hissy fit between Janus and Virgil at anytime to the point it looked like two cats fighting.

Though, yesterday still stuck in his mind. He couldn't shake it away. He shouldn't shake it away. His parents knew this the entire time....but they didn't do anything, they didn't say anything or do anything. Was it....because of him? Was he the issue?

"I bet they'd be happier with a normal child..." Patton mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Janus and Virgil asked simultaneously before having a silent argument as they glared at each other.

"Nothing! Just thinking of what I want for dinner!"

"Are sure?" Virgil muttered considerably loud enough for them to hear.

"I mean, you did say you wanted to show me something this morning Patton. Is it something to do with that?" Janus'eyebrows furrowed as he attempted to unravel Patton's thoughts.

"No! I, it's nothing, I promise!" Patton told them.

"If you're sure..." Virgil ended, still slightly suspicious of Patton.

The three had exchanged numbers before the bell went and went to their respective lessons.


Today, Patton had noticed Thomas was in more than one of his lessons, which is silly because in one of them, they sit right next to one another.

Patton poked Thomas gently with a pencil as the teacher yabbered on before whispering, "I know this sounds weird but do you know about this thing called Sensory Neurone Deficiency Disease, I couldn't find anything about it on the internet that made sense, so I figured I'd ask someone,"

Thomas went stiff.

Was it something that Patton said?

"I'm sorry if I said something triggering...I'll ask someone else later," Patton whispered to Thomas' stiff body.

"NO TALKING IN CLASS!" The teacher screamed above their lungs.

"Sorry miss!" Patton yelped.


Patton made a zipping motion above his lips before noticing the teachers ticked off expression then stopping and just nodding.

End Of Chapter

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