Chapter 19

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Virgil's house was...unusual.

The walls were a soft pink with strawberries trailing the top and bottom of the walls. There many plants. They hung from anyway and everywhere, you couldn't stand too close to the wall unless you want to hit a succulent. The rooms were beautifully illuminated with fairy lights.

"So you must be Vee's friends!" A woman announced, coming into the hallway as Janus and Patton took off their shoes at the door as their bags were on the floor.

She had black buttoned eyes and long dark, straight, brown hair. That was the straightest thing about her. She had small freckles fluttered around on her face and she wore large rounded glasses with white rims.

"Come on in, you can watch some TV while you wait for Vee to come back home," She told them, ushering them both into the room she was in.

"Alright..." Janus muttered, following her with Patton walking behind him.

The living room was spacious, though, it was still filled with house plants. There was only one sofa and a few beanbags thrown around that area. The room was a beautiful green, that's all that it could be decribed as. There was a coffee table in the center of the sofa and beanbags with a TV in front of it. Little plants outlined the table that the TV was placed upon. Tiny little fairy lights were once again dancing around the room in a flurry of a soft glow. The white blinds were open and light spilled in as the cat basked in the sun.

It was a fluffy grey cat with light stripes that were only noticable in direct light. It wore a purple collar with a little bell on it.

"I'll put your thing's in Vee's room, so just relax until he comes home," She said, almost gushing about Virgil.

Patton stuttered a bit before actually forming words. "Um...excuse me...miss, who are you?" He interrupted right before she left the room.

"Oh! Sorry!" She chuckled, her face flushed a pretty shade of red, "I'm Vee's older sister, Circe,"

"Nice to meet you...Circe," Janus greeted.


It was raining. Virgil still hadn't come back yet. Patton's leg kept bouncing as his head flicked around the room, everywhere and anywhere.

Janus's eyes sercretly darted around the room occasionally watching as Patton's worried gaze bounced around the room.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon," Circe said, bringing in a couple of mugs of tea in for the two teens.

Patton nodded silently as his stomache growled gently. "Are you hungry, we can start making dinner?"

"We?" Janus asked.

"Yeah, Vee and I live here with my girlfriend," Circe told them, placing the warm mugs on the coffee table, "She enjoys interior design, so she's responsible for most of the plants!!" Circe chuckled, looking around at the plants with a lovable spell upon her heart. Honestly, goals.

She gently caress a plant, slowly getting lost in her thoughts. Soon, she left and the smell of food surrounded the house in an aura of pleasure and artistry.


"Virgil still isn't back?" Janus announced.

End Of Chapter. Man writter block had me.

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