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NOAH RAN SCREAMING AROUND THE HOUSE——without someone like miles there to reign him in... noah was going insane.

he ran up to iris before grabbing her shoulders roughly with wide eyes,

her eyes fell on him before she fell into a horrified expression as she stared his body up and down to see the costume that he was dressed in.

"what. the. fuck. is. that." she said as she stared at him with wide eyes,

he was wearing a penis costume.

no literally, he was dressed as giant fucking co-

"that is not the point! i messed up bad, really bad" he said as he put his hands on his head in distress, she stared at him with confusion and worry due to the fact that noah never really worried about anything.

"what the fuck did you do?!" she whisper shouted to him, knowing that it had to have been something really bad for him to be that worked up over something.

"i may or may not have blew up the statue in the garden" he said with a crazed expression, causing a look of shock to fall on iris' face.

"noah what the hell?! how does that even happen?!" she shouted at him before hitting him on the shoulder roughly,

"ow! and i dropped a firecracker while running!" he whisper shouted at her, causing her to face palm at his stupid actions.

"you are so fucking stupid, you know miles and lexie will be back literally any second and miles is gonna kick your a-" she began going on a rampage, but was interrupted by the front door swinging open.

lexie and miles walked in before their mouths fell open in shock as their eyes landed on noah, lexie even dropped her bag due to her being so distraught.

what the fuck was going on.

lexie turned to miles before speaking,

"can we go back?" she asked with a horrified expression on her face, while miles on the other hand bitterly smiled with a mixture of negative emotions,

they both knew that they wouldn't have missed their home in new york, due to the fact that they lived with a bunch of jackasses.

"yeah fuck that" iris said before turning around and walking away, she really didn't want to listen to miles yell in response to finding out what noah did.

lexie and miles both looked at each other in confusion as to why iris had acted so weird, but that ended shortly because their attention had fallen back on the one and only noah schnapp.

"we have literally been gone for like a day and a half" miles said as he stared at noah.

noah completely changed the subject considering the fact that he knew that miles would know that every burnt, broken, and shattered object on the house was his fault,

"so how was sex town?" noah asked as he stared between lexie and miles, causing them to both furrow their brows at the horrible nickname for paris.

(✓) ii.| 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘, 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝.Where stories live. Discover now