So Far away - sope

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He is the unique one.

He stands out from all of them.

I could spot him out with that bright orange hair, among the sea of crowds.

We have the same group of friends. there he sits next to me, laughing along.

I stare.

I can't relate to that big smile.

Seems like we are close, yet so far away.

How I wish that he could be mine. I will be the reason why he laughs, his happiness.

I can give him love and joy.

But how?

We are in two different worlds. He deserves the whole universe.

I don't know how to approach him. Heck, I am even scared of talking to him. I am afraid that I will stutter.



I raise my head. Yes, we are hanging out. I can't seem to refuse his enthusiasm. We are in his home, he's watching tv while I'm well, staring at his face. Again. (Author nim: His favourite hobby *winks* lol)

"What are you staring at?" he giggles. God, I wish I can hear that forever. He waves his hand in front of my face. "You zone out again." He smiles. "It's cute."

Did he just say that? Did he subtly say I am cute?

I feel my heart racing, fluttering against my chest.

"Why are you frowning?" He cups my face, a small pout surfaces on his face. It does things to my heart, I don't think I could control my heartbeat... He will be the death of me

"Why is your face so red? Are you sick? Are you ok? Why aren't you talking?" The pout on his face is getting bigger.

I can't contain myself anymore. I smash my lips on his. (Wow finally)

He gasps and I shake myself out of shook. Why did I do that? I am too impulsive. I made such an embarrassing mistake. Shit, shit, shit what should I say?

Suddenly I feel his lips on mine. Maybe time stopped when his lips meets mine, but the flutter only intensifies. My heart pounds in my chest. I could only focus on how soft he feel against my mouth, how addictively he invades my mouth. Our lips mould together perfectly, moving together in sync. The kiss is gentle and slow, just as I imagined.

He breaks the kiss, slowly panting and his eyes are dilated. His cheek are dusted with a shade of pink, lips slightly swollen. Oh my gosh, he looks so beautiful. I could look at his face eternally.

I gently cup his face, whispering the phrase that I have repeated thousand times in my mind,

"I love you, Hoseok."

A wide smile stretching across his face, as he whispers too, "I love you too, Yoongi."


Wow wow wow I finally updated sorry ☹️ for the long wait

I seriously didn't know how 10 people read this ff honestly I think no one would read this at all

It's my first time writing so pls tell me any mistakes 🙏🏻 

It would be amazing if you guys vote for this story

Peace out guys 🤟🏻✌🏻

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