Obsession pt.1- taejin

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I have an obsession.

That is playing video games.

"No, what the heck? That's not your obsession Tae! Be honest to Author nim!"

"Shush, kookie! Stop exposing me!"

Ok I'll start again.

I have an obsession

Playing video games and stalking.


"Ugh you are so annoying kook!"

Stalking the heartthrob of the school.




"There you go!"

"That was only a few times!"

"A few times is still a few times Tae..."

Jungkook whispers," author, that's not true. He stalks him on social media, follows him around school, knows his daily schedules and hMMm..."

"You speak too much! Shut up!"

"MMMmmMm mmm MgmmMMgg"

Don't mind him. Please continue the interview (let's just pretend that make sense 😂)

(Btw we are at their school)

"What do you usually do after school ?"

Just then Jin walks past, nose in the air 

Omg author I gotta go bye!

(Author: sighs in frustration but lets it go since he's fanboying)

=======tj =v=v=v=v=

"Can you stop following me?" Jin abruptly asked, not even turning his head.

Taehyung stopped his track.

"I a..m not following you," he stammered.

"I know it's you, Kim Taehyung."


"Ho..w do you know me?"

"You are not exactly subtle, honey." Jin said sarcastically, whipping his head around.

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