Crushes - taekook

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(I'm a sucker for them peridot)

I thought I'd had crushes before

There was Lia, who smiled at me in bio

There was Jisoo, with the beautiful eyes

But him

God, it's like it's not even the same emotion

I really thought I liked the others, I did

I'd blush when they were nearby,

Sit up straighter,

Toss my hair,

Get nervous,

But he takes butterflies to a whole new level

I've turned into a little bit of a stalker, lol

I stare at his Instagram, his ethereal face

Gosh, I must be going crazy

I barely Know him and yet my soul feels drawn to be near him

He is my true north

Crazy, right?

Crazy how a person makes you feel

For some reason when he smiles my palms get sweaty

His beautiful boxy smile

I'll do anything to make him happy

Oh god, don't even get me started with his deep voice.

Boy it's even deeper than the ocean

I just told him things that even my closest friends don't know

It's like my instinct to trust him

My mouth speaks without asking permission from my brain

Gosh, he's so pretty in every way I never know I want

I thought I knew what I wanted before my eyes decided they only wanted to see him

I don't know how to ask him out

He's so precious that he deserves the whole universe

I am scared

For now

I can't rush things with him

I can't screw things up

Maybe someday


I'll make a move

But for now

I am content with spending time with him.

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