Thank you - yoonmin

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My mother said that out of all five of her children

I was the easiest baby

I think what she meant was that I hardly cried,

Rarely fussed

Which was a good thing I guess

As the fourth of five she had a lot to deal with before she could get to me

So I made it easier for her

I kept doing it as I grew up

If one of my siblings dropped their ice cream,

I'd give them mine so they'd stop making a scene

In fifth grade, when someone stole my cookie from my lunch box

I just shrugged, and ate my carrot sticks

I was never bothered, always calm

In seventh grade, I broke my leg

But I didn't tell anyone for three days

I just gritted my teeth and hopped along

Until my father found me crying on the bathroom floor

He took me to the hospital, and bought me a cast we couldn't afford

And when the kids at school called me a cripple

In high school, my little sister was getting picked on by some boys

I pretended I didn't see it happen

But that night, I sewed her too-small uniform skirt longer

She stopped getting teased

When my college professor lost my test and told me retake it, I just nodded and did it

When I got catcalled walking across campus,

I just looked down at the ground

And you

The first day you came up to me and offered to buy me coffee

I was sure you were making fun of me too

So I stayed quiet

Eventually, you flashed me that blinding smile and told me, "Guess I'll take that as a yes, then."

I think I said about three words to you that first day

But I gave you my number

And answered when you called

At first, I think you just thought I was shy.

But as the months went on, and things got more serious, you got upset when I closed myself.

When I got fired.

When I skipped lunch to afford textbooks

I didn't want to tell you

You were so mad when you figured out. So, so mad.

That was the first time you ever yelled at me.

You shoved me money. I just stood there. Stunned. I'd never had someone yelling at me while doing something nice.

"Please take it,"


You laughed, "because I love you, Chim"

I took it.

But put it back to your wallet when your asleep.

For most of the time we dated, we never fought.

Even when your friend told me you cheated on me

I just blinked

Later, you told me you couldn't believe how amazing I was, trusting you so much.

"Thank you so much,"

That's what you said while hugging me.

I should have said something. Something that could represent my feelings.

But I couldn't find the words to express myself. I am always not good with words.

And I've learned that staying calm in situations like that gave me the power.

"Thank YOU, yoongi."

~~~~~yg ω jm~~~~~

Yeeeeeeeeee uwuwuwuwuwuwu

I finally update whooooooo

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Peace out guys ✌🏻✌🏻☮️

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