Unbelievable - namjin

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It was a glorious, colorful autumn.

We'd just left the coffee shop. When we walked by, he giggled and pulled me inside, saying, "C'mon, let's get something to drink!"

I don't like coffee. I never had. But when he handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I'd ever tasted.

My hand still tingled where he grabbed it.

As we walked through the park with our drinks, a light drizzle began to fall. He pulled out an umbrella from her bag, I pulled up my hood and hunched my shoulders.

"Don't be silly," he giggled, pulling me under the umbrella with him. I couldn't help but laugh too, his windshield laugh is infectious.

As the sun started to shine again, he pulled me down to sit on a bench. He beamed down at me, and I could only gaze back adoringly.

"So Joonie..." he began. I knew this tone of voice, it's dangerous.

"Who do you like?" he whispered, and I looked away. (Help, this is so random) I wanted to say, 'you, you, a thousand times you. You're the only one I can ever think about. You're gorgeous and sweet and funny and...'

Instead, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my cup.

he looked at me with a cautious smile. "If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?"

I hesitated. "Okay." I said.

"The person I like... ...is you."

I drop my drink.

He continued blushing, lowering his head. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I understand if you are not interested in me, but I just-"

I put my hand over his mouth. He looks at me in surprise. I took a deep breath, "look jinnie..." my voice cracked. " what is it?" Jin asked, concerned.

My voice couldn't form words. They can't describe how I feel about him.

Before I lose my courage, I lean forward, pressing my lips to his. He kisses me back, as her lips move against mine like there's fire in my veins. His hands slowly cup my face as I grab his tiny waist. He pulls me deeper into the kiss, running his tongue along mine and nearly making me moan.

I can't believe this is happening.

We finally break apart when we ran out of oxygen (lol I cringed at this part) He presses our foreheads together.


I nod.

Finally getting courage, I grab his hands, pulling him to his feet.

"Jinnie," I start.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


Eek I am cringing I don't know that's good  pls comment and vote 

Peace out ✌🏻 guys

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