Aftermath and a Copy Fvck

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Whoever made the image above, I just wanna talk.

I didn't make it duh.

anyway I'm back.  I posted a one shot so go check it out.  Its how Detective Shinso-Midoriya Izumi fvcks up and ends up in canon bc the idea wouldn't leave me alone. 

This chapter is the day after the dance.  And more chaos, bc its three idiots we're taking about here.



Nezu's office, morning, day after dance, 3rd PoV

"Ok, I knew you were going to prank the dance but I didn't think you would go as far as you did.  So, you get your quirk suppressors back!" Nezu exclaimed too cheerfully.  

He was covered in scratched and bite marks from the bag of angry af cats, which totally wasn't the idiots' doing.

Shota put the cuffs on(cuffs auto corrected to dudes wtf) and promptly left the room.  He was still miffed over the TP capture weapon the idiots made for him, and he wasn't gonna forgive them for a loooooonnnng time.

Deku, Himiko and Dabi glanced at each other and shrugged.  They had preset more pranks on the teachers, so they didn't see a problem.  

"Is that it, Rat Fvcker?" Deku asked.

"Please refrain from calling me that, and yes.  You may go to class.  Oh, and you all are once again locked out of the hero students' dorms and confined to your own."

Himiko groaned.  She wanted to make friends! 

Dabi didn't give a d@mn.  He got to stay away from the Bomberanian, and his Goody-Two-Shoes brother.  Plus the Coconut b!tch that Deku used to date.  

Deku was glad he got to stay away from his old class, and was pretty sure they all had coronavirus.   If he dies, its on them.

The trio walked out of the office and to the 2A classroom.  Class was about to start, and they were acting like model students(ofc not.)

Then, Himiko bumped into someone.  They both  fell back onto the floor.  Dabi helped Himiko stand, and Deku looked at the person.

It was Monoma Neito, or as Deku preferred to call him, Copy Fvck.  

"N-Neito?" Himiko asked in shock.

Deku and Dabi blinked and looked at her quizzically.  


"Ok, back up.  Who the fvck is Kasuru, and how do you know Copy Fvck, Toga?"

"He's my brother." 



"Explain." Dabi said.

"Himiko is not my real name.  It's Toga Kasuru.  But after I ran away, I changed it.  I didn't want the name my " parents" gave me.  Neito is a year younger than me."

"I don't care what your previous name was.  You're my Himiko, no matter what." Dabi said, hugging her.  

Himiko smiled and melted into the hug.  Deku looked at Neito's slightly confused face.  

"I don't know." Deku told him.

Neito shrugged.

"Can I join your group?" 

"Yeah you can, little bro." Himiko said, her voice muffled.

The now quartet headed to class.

Bonus scenes: Preset Prank #1

Teachers lounge, morning

Shota walked into the lounge from the rat's office and plopped onto a couch.  Hizashi looked at him and smiled.

"You look deader than usual!" He joked.

"Shut up Mic." Shota muttered, before getting up to the coffee machine.  He made some Death Wish coffee, and roller up in his cocoon.

He felt something lumpy and moving inside.  He ignored it, until he felt something scratch his leg.  He looked into the yellow depths of his sleeping bag, and saw five pissed off looking cats.  He blinked.


In the vents, the quartet giggled, before scooting away.

And done!  I had time today bc it is Veteran's Day and we have no school.  @sydsaidshewasdrawing is my friend from school, and I'm trying to get her to read my books.  She keeps meaning to, then forgetting.  So I decided to @ her  I hope you enjoyed this slightly rushed chapter, and Copy Fvck being revealed as a Secret Sibling tm.

I swear the bag of angry cats is going to be a recurring character.  

Character was the 666th word holy crap. 

Save me plz


My Bakacchan cosplay:


Kay I'll stop.  Bye!

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