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"Ovia, Ovia!" I heard a masculine voice shout 

"w-what happened" I stuttered out while slowly opening my eyes 

Looking up I immediately see the bright light from the ceilings glaring down on me 'Why am I on the ground?'

Jacky slowly starts to explain about how I fainted after seeing the blood

"Yeah those bastards aren't dead yet, they killed everyone else" Jacky explains as he walks away I can barely hear the slithering whisper of him speaking "Seven bastards"

'Ah that's it I remember now.. those things...they somehow knew what was going to happen'

'They had killed everyone in that room...just how vicious are they?'

Slowly I stand up and head to the kitchen to get water. Sometimes I feel like the things are pushing humanity closer and closer to extinction. A few years ago we lost a lot of humans and now the things are ruling.

'Whats so special about the things? Whats so different?'

Sometimes I tell myself to look at them its this urge that if I look at them something special will happen but then I remember fathers words that at all costs I cant look at them

A/N: Ok so I named or Ovia

Ovia – A quiet and simple being.

If you dont know this book is based off of a song and this name kind of relates to it sorry for those of you who wanted y/n. 

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