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(9 years old)

I was sitting down with my mom and dad when it happened. The tv starting blaring, I remember seeing my parents rush to turn the volume on higher. During that time I was too young to understand what was going on. The pain, hurt, and danger we were getting ourselves into. And yet the love and joy too.

The words Breaking news had started flashing on the tv screen. 

I still remember the giant letters flashing

The loud beeping only getting louder and louder. 

The newscasters had looked panicked and they started talking so fast it was hard for me to understand. I had only heard bits and pieces. Something about an unknown species mysteriously spotted on earth? But what was so bad about that? We found new things every day, what could it be? Maybe a new animal, oh how I wished it was I shouldn't have. The next thing I remember is my parents rushing to lock the doors and windows and then them telling me to go to bed. All I could think about was how I wasn't able to finish my dinner.

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