22. Trippin'

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You sho' is, bumpin'
You sho' is somethin'
See I won't, trade you, for nothin'
See err'thang, you to do me
You got me trippin'
And I'm satisfied
And that's guaranteed

She was so happy Donnie had time to come to Atlanta and stay a whole week. They did not get to spend a lot of time with each other. They had gotten very close though. Now that she was eighteen, she felt she didn't have to be under her mother so much. At first, she had no issues staying in her mother's home, but now that she was with Donnie, she was thinking of having her own place.

Of course, she could not bring that up with her mother. She would have to ease into that conversation. Besides, their home was huge and she had lots of privacy. Her bedroom was the size of a mal apartment. It even had a sitting room area with sofas and a gigantic flat-screen TV. Her walk-in closet was a bedroom turned into a closet. She had lots of designer clothes and shoes that designers loved to send her. Of course, everything was specially made because she was only five feet even.

Her bathroom was connected to Ginger's old room, which was also huge. They had to tear down a wall to combine two bedrooms to make hers just about as big as M'Liyah's. Ginger would have never liked to feel as if she was treated less than. Her mother did treat her like one of her own, M'Liyah just wished Ginger could see that.

Their friendship meant a lot to her, but lately, both of the girls were giving her the cold shoulder.

She couldn't think about that much, she had things to do. Today she was hosting a gathering for the preview of Tempo's second single and video he was releasing soon. It was the song she wrote about Donnie. He was coming over to see it as well, along with the girls and some other friends.

She dressed in a long black dress, three-inch heels and pulled her locs up into a ponytail. She did her own make0up and just her eyes and a bit of blush for her cheeks.

She went downstairs to their basement where they had a movie room complete with twelve heated recliner-style seats. She had caterers who were setting out refreshments and snacks, Of course, lots of popcorn and movie-style candy. The video was only four minutes, but after the video, she was also going o play one of Donnie's movies.

She snacked on a few Mike-n-Ikes before any guests arrived.

"Don't eat them all up."

"Donnie!" She gave him a big hug. "You're first to arrive."

"You know I wanted to spend as much time with you as I could," he said, kissing her. "Man, look at all this candy!"

"I couldn't help myself," she said, eating more Mike-n-Ikes. "Here." She fed him some.

"Still the best tasting candy in the world when you feed it to me."

She giggled. "I can't wait for you to hear the song, Donnie. It's my favorite song I've written in a long time."

"I'm excited to hear it, but can we make out in here before everyone comes," he said, kissing her neck. "We need another movie night, just us."

"You're here all week, you can just come here and we can watch whatever."


They sat in the back row and kissed and held each other till her mother and Tempo walked in.

"Excuse you two," her mother said.

"Hey mom," she said, hopping up. "We were just-"

"I saw what you were just doing. Your guests will be coming shortly. Why don't you and Tempo greet them? This video is going to do great things for both of you," her mother said.

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