Chapter 11:The Cause

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I ran as fast as my legs can go away from the 6 wolves who claimed to be my guardian. Im not buying it until I know who they really are. They could be the people who killed my whole pack for all I know. And now they decided to kill me.

I hid my scent before they could catch up to me. I felt that they were far behind me and my legs were getting tired. I hid myself in a bush and watched as they ran past me. I gotta say, they don't easily give up, do they?

After they were gone I took my chance to get out of the bush and start running towards home.

I finally made it to the end of the forest. I transformed back into my human form and pulled the hood on top of my head. Then, slowly walked to my house.

I sat tiredly on the couch after locking the door of my house.

'Who do you think they really were?' Nova asked

'Don't know, but Im not buying that they're our guardians just because they said so!' I replied

'Think about it. What if what they said was true?' Nova said

'What if they were just trying to manipulate us? Then, we ended up dying on the rogue's hands.' I argued

'*sighs* Whatever you say, Y/N... Im gonna sleep now.' she said

'Fine~ Good night.' I said. Why does she always sleeps?

'Good night.' Then, I can feel her sleeping inside my head. Weird, right? When you can feel someone sleeping inside you?

I looked at the clock and it was only 8:20 p.m. I have nothing else to do rather than watching TV. I grabbed the remote and switched on the TV to watch some movies.

-Time Skipped-

I switched off the TV as it is now 10:17 p.m. I went to my room and got ready for bed. I wore my pj and laid on my bed while pulling the blanket to cover my whole body.

As I was about to fall asleep, I heard the voice called me again.


Ugh! Really? At this hour, it's gonna call me?

I tried to block the voice by covering my head with the pillow but it kept on getting me annoyed until I just let the voice rang to my head




Eventually, I managed to fall into a deep slumber.

-Next Day-

Taehyung POV

I woke up, did my routine and walked downstairs to eat breakfast with the rest of the boys. I can hear they all chatting and laughing while I just stayed silent, thinking about Y/N.

Looks like they all noticed the silent treatment from me since they became quiet while looking at me.

"Hyung, don't be sad. You'll get to see Y/N again and talk to her" said Jungkook while patting my back.

"I don't know...what if she ignores me again? I can't imagine how I would live in this world without her. My mate." I said

"Just try and talk to her to see if Im right about Chunseo." Jimin hyung said.

"*sighs* Alright" I nodded

"Hey, I need to tell you guys something." Namjoon hyung started.

"Can you tell us on our way to school? Cuz I don't wanna be late." Jin hyung said as we all finished breakfast.

Namjoon hyung nodded and we started to set our foot out of the mansion towards the school. Then, Namjoon hyung began...

"I was in my office yesterday might thinking about how to make the queen trusts us until Gray and I felt this tingly kind of feeling. I realized it was the gem so, I ran to the cave to check on it. When I got into the secret temple, I saw the gem glowing multiple times." He explained

"Was it-' J-hope hyung was cut off by Namjoon hyung

"You guessed it. It was calling for it's owner. The queen." He said

We all stared at him blankly.

"Are you guys thinking what Im thinking?" he asked.

"Are you suggesting we use the gem to lure the queen to the temple?" Yoongi hyung guessed.

"What if it doesn't work?" Jin hyung asked.

"It's worth a shot." Namjoon hyung said and we arrived at school.

We walked in through the school gate and into the school building. We were walking until I saw my mate. Standing in front of her locker. I stood there frozen. The others saw her too and turned their heads to me.

"What are you waiting for? Go to her." Jimin hyung whispered.

I took a deep breath while holding tightly onto the straps of my backpack. I slowly walked to her and she doesn't seem to notice me yet until I was very close to her.

She was about to walk away but I quickly held her wrist and pinned her against her locker. She was shocked at first but calmed when she avoided my gaze.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Why did you ignore me yesterday?" I asked. Still avoiding my gaze.

"Y/N, look at me..." She slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"Leave me alone." was all she said and that broke my heart a little.

"What's wrong with you? Ever since yesterday, you ignored me like Im some sort of a stranger." I said. Feeling hurt.

Suddenly, her eyes darted at someone making her eyes widened. I followed where her eyes darted and saw Chunseo walking into the building.

Y/N quickly pushed me aside and started to run away.

"Y/N wait!" I yelled.

I looked back at where Chunseo was and it looks like she was enjoying this.

"What did you do?!" I yelled at her.

She only shrugged and walked away with a smirk on her face. That made my blood boiled knowing that all this pain was caused by that b*tch. Ugh! I wish I could wipe that stupid smirk of hers.

"Hey, Taehyung. You ok? We saw what happened."

I looked to my right and saw Jimin patting my back, trying to calm me down.

"You were right hyung. This is all Chunseo's doing. Im gonna make sure she will pay" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah...but first, there's someone you need to talk to." he said

"How hyung? She doesn't even want to look at me." I said almost like a whisper.

"Don't worry Tae! We'll try to help you!" I looked behind me and saw all the boys agreed to help me.

I sniffled. "Thanks guys. This means a lot to me" Im so grateful to have them as my family. Hopefully they could help me reunite with my lovely mate.


OMG!!! Another chapter, done!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter, my readers! Im gonna keep writing everyday to try update more. Im so happy at how many people have read until here. I promise you Im gonna try to write more chapters since Im doing absolutely nothing at home due to this covid-19 problem. Toddles!

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