Prologue: Do you wanna die?

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From a very young age, Izuku Midoriya had learned many things, one and the most important was that not all men are created equal he didn't have many friends, however, he also knew that according to darwins theory of Natural selection, Only the best survived the cruel world that surrounds him. He was one of the 80% that was Quirkless. Izuku was always treated differently, seen as a pebble among rocks and boulders.

Years have passed since he had learned that lesson, and it's only been a few months since his idol had told him to give up. For Izuku, he had been down in the dumps for some time, not able to know his place in the world, he always wanted to be a Hero, and not being one had never occurred to him, he never knew what he wanted to do if he couldn't be a Hero. Maybe he would take All-Might's advice and become a police officer. Or maybe he should take Bakugo's advice and jump off the school roof. For Izuku, that sounded like a better option. Ever since he had finally given up on his dream, he had been less social with everyone, his mother, and he didn't even acknowledge Bakugo's quips anymore.

Currently, the Young teen was halfway through his Summer Vacation. it was 8:30 PM and Izuku was in his room just watching videos on anything besides heroes. Izuku hadn't looked the same either, he had bags under his eyes and his room was littered with a bit of trash, he barely left his room, and he only left it when it came to going somewhere for his mother, eating, and using the restroom. He had also gotten rid of most of his All-Might stuff, Seeling them for a good price. he now had 7,000 Lien from selling some of his hoodies that were from the first few years All-Might had debuted, which were apparently very rare.

A moment later, a knock was heard on his door, he turned his head to it, "Yeah?" He called out in a bored and tired tone

"Izuku, could you do me a favor?" She asked through the door

Izuku got up from his chair and headed to his door, he opened it and he saw his mother, she held a bag of homemade cookie's in her hand and she looked at him with a smile

"Sure... what is it?" He asked

"Could you drop off these cookie's for Mitsuki?" Inko asked

Izuku looked at her, "why can't you do it mom?" he asked

"I would but I have to work in a little while" She replied

Izuku sighed and nodded, he took the bag from his mother as she went to go get ready for work. Both left around the same time and Izuku walked to Mitsuki's house.

Mitsuki was an old friend of his mothers, she was a nice lady in general, she was only nice to most people but cause her family or her friend's strife, she would get angry at anyone, the only other person she wasn't on good terms with was her own son, but to be fair, Bakugo kind of deserved some of the scolding his mother gave him. Mitsuki was always nice to Izuku and told him not to always follow her son since she knew he really wasn't someone to be followed after, she encouraged him to always make his own path. her husband Masaru was also a very good man, he was very intelligent as he worked for an engineer, and when Izuku wasn't talking about heroes, he would talk about Sci-Fi things, like Aliens or space, and Masaru was also interested in those kinds of things, he always recommended that Izuku consider Quirk Science or be a teacher at a hero school since Izuku was always writing in his notebook about all different types of quirks and how he could teach people to improve their quirks and such.

Suddenly, Izuku was taken out of his thoughts when he heard something, he looked around making sure it wasn't someone trying to attack him or do something, he looked everywhere and that's when he saw it.

something was standing on a nearby roof. He couldn't make out the figure until they stood up, he saw that it was a woman, that all he could see in the dark, just the shape of her body gave it away.

Suddenly, with blinding speed, she jumped down from the roof and tackled Izuku to the ground. he fell on his back hard as he hit the pavement of the sidewalk. Izuku opened his eyes to see that the woman was on top of him and this time he could get a good look at her. She had long wavey black hair, her eyes were a glowing red, her clothes only consisted of a ragged white dress that only covered the upper half of her legs, around her neck was a red scarf.

Izuku wanted to scream but he was too stunned, then he noticed the woman lower her head to the side of his, before he could feel her breath on his neck, and not a second later, she bit into his neck


Suddenly, Izuku could feel his blood be drained from his body, but then the woman stopped and raised her head to look back at him. She smiled at him and Izuku could feel his body grow weak

"Do you wanna die?" She asked

Izuku looked at her, and her question made him think, did he want to die? he couldn't be a Hero, he was a burden on his mother, he was not like the rest of the population who could survive this cruel world, he could not adapt, and thus, he could not survive.

This was Natural Selection.

This was the end.


The woman looked at him and smiled before going back to his neck and sinking her teeth in the same spot she had already bitten. Izuku's vision began to blur and the world around him slowly became black, but before he could completely die he heard the woman say one last thing to him with the smile

"You are strange one Mon Cher~"

and that was the last thing he heard before his world went Black...





"He loved death, she loved life. He lived for her, she died for him" - William Shakespeare.

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