Chapter 1: Training

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Toph's POV

I knew that the comet was soon, and Aang has been totally out of it. Ever since his rejection, his bending has been sloppy. He's all sluggish and emotionless. It was like I had to train him all over again!
We've been in the western air temple for a few days now, and I think Sugar Queen is falling for Haru... again, I assume. We have a new member to our group, Zuko. Surprising, isn't it? Not really. At least, not for me. Ever since we met him he's very clearly been good. Anytime he hurts someone, he hesitates. His heart beats fast, and sometimes his moves aren't solid. His hands get shaky and you can feel the fear in him. He obviously is guilty of doing what he does, and that's why I trusted him when he confronted us.
Anyways, back to Twinkle Toes. Zuko and Sokka are on a fishing trip, and I gotta train him. I think this is a good time to cheer him up. How can he fight the firelord like this? We went up on top the cliff for space. Earthbend on that temple and it's gonna collapse, it's barely keeping itself together after what Combustion Man did to it.

"Alright Twinkle Toes, let's see what you got!" I said.
I chucked some rocks at him, and he broke a few, but his form was sloppy and he let the last rock hit him. He fell to the floor and I walked up to him.
"Get up."
He groaned.
"C'mon, Aang, stop being depressed."
"I'm not depressed."
I tried to roll my eyes, but I don't think I did it right.
"Sure you aren't."
I earthbent myself a seat and sat down, earthbending him a seat, too. It startled him.
"I'm not one to talk about this lovey-dovey stuff, but because of how important it is I get you back in your game, I guess I will. What's up?"
He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, I... I thought..."
He sighed and put his head down.
"I thought me and Katara..."
He mumbled for a bit, with long pauses in between.
Oh, brother. If this kid doesn't spit his words out I'm gonna earthbend him to the moon... wherever it is.
"I thought me and Katara were gonna be together. I kissed her at the invasion, and she kissed back."
"Wow, Twinkle Toes! I didn't know you had the guts!" I joked.
He chuckled softly, but I could tell it wasn't real.
"But then, after, she started avoiding me. So when we were alone, I confessed."
"I know. Your heart was beating like war drums, I could feel it from the other room. I really wanted you to tone it down!"
"Toph, you aren't helping."
I laughed.
"But, she told me she was confused, and wasn't interested in anyone. She said that I had more important stuff to do, and I was just..."
"A kid?"
"Yeah. A kid."
"I think she was lying when she said she wasn't interested in anyone. Maybe you just aren't her type."
I felt his frown grow bigger, and him slumping in the chair I made him. Maybe saying that wasn't the best choice.
"But, I really thought she liked you. Especially at that dance. But recently, she's been speaking with Haru a lot, and her hearts been beating really fast, n' stuff. Stuff that I normally feel from you when you're around her."
"So... She likes Haru...?"
"I think so. I know it's hard, you're head over heals for her! But you just gotta move on."
"But how do I move on..!?"
"I don't know, try to find someone else. Are you really gonna fall for the first girl you seen in a hundred years, or are you gonna open up your options? There's so many girls who'd love to be with the avatar."
Aang sighed and sat up.
"You're... You're right. I'll try to open up my options."
"Great So, you wanna find Teo and The Duke and explore the temple?"
"That sounds like a good idea. Maybe it'll get me motivated to practice."
"That's the spirit, Twinkle Toes!" I replied, punching his arm. He stood up, rubbing his arm. Hopefully I helped him a bit.

Aang's POV

It's late at night, and I can't sleep. I keep thinking about when Katara rejected me, and what Toph said. Katara has been avoiding me much more now, and if I'm being honest, I've been avoiding her too. It's best I do, I need to forget how strong my feelings are for her or they'll just grow stronger.
Toph's advice was right. I thought Katara was gonna be the only girl I would ever love. I thought it would be love at first sight. But maybe I shouldn't see it that way.
About opening my options. If I don't open up soon, I'll still be moping over Katara. But the only other girl here is Toph.
Well... I've never considered liking her. Why am I saying that? I've never considering liking anyone besides Katara!
Have I ever thought about it? What would it be like with her? She's a good friend, a best friend. She's rough and can pack a punch, but she also can be really nice, believe it or not.
If I'm gonna be opening up my options, maybe I should try talking to her more. There's always been a part of her I don't know. She hides almost all her feelings. Maybe if I got to know her better, I could see if she's an option.
I heard a door creak open.
I got up from my bed, using airbending to make my footsteps quiet. My door was already half way open, and I peaked through.
Toph was walking down the hallway. Her hair was down. I never realized how long it was before. She never has it down.
Then the thought came to me again.
This is the perfect chance to talk to her!
So, I left my room and followed her.
Then she stopped.
"I know you're there, Aang," she said, turning around to face me. "Your twinkle toes don't work on me anymore."
I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Toph."
"Why are you following me?"
I shrugged. "I dunno, I just... wanted to know why you were up."
"I was going to the fountain."
"Uh... Why?"
She rose an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips.
"Why are you being so nosy?"
"I um... wanted to talk again. You gave good advice,"
I wasn't telling a complete lie, so hopefully she wouldn't detect it. She sighed.
"You can come."
I gave a big smile and followed her down to the fountain.
She sat on the ledge and dipped her feet in the water. I guess they were still soar. I sat next to her.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?"
I shrugged again. "I just want someone to talk to. Normally I talk to Katara, but I can't do that now," I said.
"Well, you gotta fix your relationship. If you keep avoiding each other, it's just gonna get worse."
"I thought spending time with her was my problem."
"Well it is, but it also isn't. It's like... setting an invisible line. There's just some boundaries you can't cross. The constant hugs, kisses on the cheek, and all that alone time. You just gotta treat her how you treat the rest of the gang."
"Yeah... you're right."
It was quiet for the moment. The breeze was always cool and peaceful at the Western Air Temple.
"So... What do you think of the temple so far?" I asked.
"I like it here. The temple is really unique."
"Did you live here?" She asked.
"No, I lived in the Southern temple. The boys and girls were separated, having the boys in the Southern and Northern, and the girls in the Eastern and Western."
"Huh... why'd they do that?"
"I dunno, but we were always visiting. We're air nomads, we go everywhere."
"I guess that's why it was so hard to get you to the north, huh? Sokka said you made way too many pitstops."
I laughed.
"It was worth it," I said.
"I'm sure it was."
It was silent again. Should I... Make a move? I tried something.
"The view's beautiful, isn't it?"
"You see nothing once, you see it a thousand times."
Monkey feathers, I am so dumb! She can't even see the view, now I look like an idiot! I need to back myself up... what should I say?
"Wish I could see it, though. I bet it's real pretty," She said.
Guess I didn't need to say anything... she saved me.
"What's it like?" I muttered.
"What?" She asked.
"To not be able to see?" I continued.
She shrugged. "Well, I've been blind my whole life. And I kinda found out how to use it as an advantage. But I know there's always gonna be a big chunk of the world I'll miss out on."
I gave her a look of sympathy. She couldn't see it, of course.
"There's some things I specifically wish I could see. The biggest one being colors."
She leaned forward, trying to cover her face with her hair more.
"People always try to describe them for me. Yellow is happy, the color of the sun. Blue is the color of the sky, and people say it's sad. But even when you explain them to me, I can't imagine them."
I tried to look into her eyes. Her hair was covering them. I knew she was trying to hide her sadness. The more I think about it, she hides most of her emotions.
"Maybe you just have to feel the color. You might not be able to see it, but you can understand it," I tried to reason.
"What do you mean?"
"Like... my first impression on you, would be that you always act grey."
"Grey is the color I 'see', right?"
"Yeah. When someone's grey, they don't really act like they have feelings or emotions. Well, to me at least."
I continued. "But, the deeper I look into you, the more I see your other colors. Right now, I see blue." I explained. I was trying to go somewhere, but didn't know how to word it.
"Sadness..." She said.
"Yeah. You don't want to feel blue. It's better to feel yellow."
It was silent yet again.
"It's hard to feel yellow," She said in a quiet voice.
"Well, sometimes, you need someone else to be yellow, so you can, too."
She smiled.
"You're making me feel yellow."
"I'm glad," I said, standing up.
"Are you going to bed?" She asked.
"Yeah, it's getting late."
"I guess I will, too."
She took her feet out of the water and stood up. She lifted her chin to face me.
"I don't do this a lot, so don't expect it often," She mumbled, giving me a hug.
"I won't," I laughed.
We walked back to our rooms, and I got in bed.

I think I'm starting to consider an option.

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