Chapter 2: Art

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Toph's POV

I think Aang is taking what I said into consideration. Last night made it pretty obvious. He was desperate to sit and talk about Katara again, and then go on to the struggles of being blind. And, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. Last time I got that close to anyone in our little group was during my spa day with Katara. I guess it brings out my soft side to have someone actually care about my thoughts and feelings. But maybe that's not the only reason I was being soft last night...
Anyways, Sokka and Zuko still aren't back from their trip so I'm assuming they used that as an excuse to go on some secret field trip or something, I don't know.
Katara's been busy with Haru so me, The Duke, Teo, and Twinkle Toes have been checking out this place some more. Today we were checking out these secret tunnels by where the bison sleep. Aang said that these are how they'd enter or leave in case of an emergency. I felt the tunnels before, but never thought to ask.
He used some airbending trick to open the door. I can only feel the breeze of it. I only feel the vibration if it touches the ground.
Aang made some fire for light, and we were walking through the tunnel. Silence is awkward, so I broke it.
"I wonder why secret tunnels are so common," I said.
Teo spoke up.
"Well, when being at war, these sorts of things are needed."
"Yeah, but this is different," Aang said, "We just needed these tunnels for when you couldn't fly down. But, when I remembered them, it gave me hope that some people survived."
It got quiet again.
"Wish Katara could've came, she barely explored the temple," The Duke spoke.
"I'm sure she'd rather hang out with Haru," Aang mumbled.
Maybe I should talk with him about jealously.
"Sugar Queen will realize she's missing out, soon."

Aang's POV

We explored the tunnels, it was real fun. A bit nostalgic, too. I remember everytime we visited the Western air temple, I'd sneak away from the group and meet up with my friend Moya in the tunnels. We'd carve pictures in the walls and play with the lemurs that'd hide in there. Once we heard our names being called, we'd meet up again, soon.
I miss all my friends. I bet Moya wouldn't have excluded me like the others. But they never deserved to die.
All the lives... They're all taken. Moya's gone. And all my other friends are, too. I need to stop thinking about this. I thought I was over it. But I know I never will.
I want to talk to Katara. But seeking her for comfort is probably too... lovey? I just gotta act like a friend. Pretend those feelings didn't exist. So, if I talk with her, that's not helping. So I guess if I want to seek comfort I should talk to Toph.
The Duke stuck his head through my door.
"Hey Aang, lunch is ready."
"I'm coming," I said, getting up and following him.
Everyone sat down and Katara started handing everyone bowls of rice. I know she had to hand me a bowl, too. Keep all your feelings inside, Aang.
"Uh, here..." Katara mumbled, handing me a bowl.
"Thanks." I replied.
Wow, that was easy. I ate my rice while The Duke and Teo explained the tunnels and Toph talked with me about practice after lunch.
So after lunch, we did some earthbending practice. I evaded, and attacked.
"Great job, Twinkle Toes. You're getting back in your game. But as much as I love to chuck some rocks at you, you gotta practice waterbending." She said.
"My waterbending is fine. I can't go practice waterbending..."
"You can't see if it's fine if you haven't practiced in so long."
"Then why don't I practice waterbending and earthbending? Wait, lemme word that better. Like that one time you and Katara-"
"I know what you mean, Aang. That didn't go too well, me and Katara argued a lot."
Aang sighed and sat down on a rock.
"How can I get things back to normal between me and Katara? I mean... I know how, but it's not going quick enough!"
"Maybe it's because she's avoiding you. You can't make things right if you haven't even been able to talk with her."
"Because I never catch her alone. She's either busy, or with Haru."
"Yeah, and you could catch her alone during waterbending practice."
"But I don't wanna be alone with her! I'll mess things up."
Toph groaned.
"You're so complicated."
"You're so complicated!" I retorted. "D'you want me to talk to her, or not!?'
"I dunno! My whole message was just to do what you think is right! All I'm doing is giving options."
Aang sighed.
"And y'know, when I think about it, you don't have to smooth things over when you're alone. Just, anytime you interact, hide those strong feelings and it'll eventually smooth over by itself."
"Yeah... You're right. Sorry for shouting."
"You're fine. You gotta calm down, Aang. Aren't you supposed to be peaceful or something? All you've been is stressed and hopeless. I can't feel yellow you aren't feeling it, either." She said, giving me a punch in the arm. I smiled.
"Thank you, Toph."
"No problem, Twinkle Toes."

Katara's POV

While everyone else is having fun, I'm the one doing chores. But it's kind of my fault...
The Duke or Teo would come up and ask if I wanted to come explore, but I'd refuse.
Because Aang is with them.
The only person I can really talk to is Haru. I feel so alone.
I feel bad for rejecting Aang. Why'd I have to go so hard on him? Why'd he even confess!? I just wasn't ready. And... He's too young. We're both too young. Plus, the war is more important.
Now that I've rejected him, he's been really out of it. I need to help him on waterbending, but being alone with him seems like a bad idea. I'll just wait till things are okay between us again.
It's not like I didn't like his kiss.
It was... nice, and gentle. His lips are soft and warm. Much better than Jet's kiss. It wasn't genuine like Aang's.
But I don't love him. Well... I'm not sure. That's why I want to wait and focus on the war. I don't need this distracting me. Once the war is over, I'm sure my feelings will be more clear.
Why'd he even decide to confess? Hadn't his kiss said enough?
Recently, I've been speaking with Haru a lot more. He's cute, and we do relate a bit. My heart flutters near him, but he's not the same as Aang. Maybe I should consider Haru, though. He's tall, older, handsome. He doesn't compare to Aang, though. Nobody does. But if I chose him over Aang, maybe it'd distract me from--what I think is--My real feelings.
But anyway, I went to hang the laundry on the clothing line, and saw him.
In the distance, Aang was sitting on a rock, drawing. He groaned when he spilt ink on the paper, and had to grab a new scroll and start over. I saw him earthbend a table so it wouldn't happen again.
I wonder what he's drawing. Normally in his free time he draws, but rarely shares. His art is always amazing. But then, it hit me. He's finally alone. Should I approach him?
I took a deep breath, and put down the laundry basket, walking over to him.
"Hey," I muttered.
He jumped and got a drop or two on the paper. I gave a chortle.
"I thought you were with the other kids," I said.
"Nah, I wanted to have some time alone, cause... I dunno. Drawing."
I watched him draw.
"Watchu' drawing?"
He pointed at the view, and said, "But, it's kinda hard, without color."
I peered over. Without color, he was doing a very good job.
"It's amazing."
"Thank you," He said. But it was different. No blush, no enthusiasm, just a small smile.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yep!" He replied, this time too much enthusiasm.
I stood over him for a minute, watching him make strokes on the paper. I shouldn't be wasting time, I need to apologize.
"Aang, I um..." I mumbled.
He looked up at me from his scroll. When our eyes met, his eyes didn't have the sparkle like they used to. It made me sad.
"I'm sorry... for the other day..." I said, playing with my hair.
He put his brush down.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," He answered, standing up.
"I do. I was rude, and..."
He interrupted. "I was an idiot. I kissed you without your consent, and expected you to like me after that. I should put the war first, and my feelings last." He spoke, checking if the ink was dry on his scroll before rolling it up.
I opened my mouth to object, but he continued, putting his brush in the slot on his ink pad, and shutting it closed.
"I don't want to lose our friendship over a onesided crush. I promise you, I won't be stupid like that again."
With that said, he gathered up is stuff, and walked away, earthbending the table back into the ground.
That was not what I wanted to hear.
Now I see what was missing from him. His feelings! He's been hiding them since the rejection. And I miss it.
I never realized how much I loved when he shown his feelings. All our hugs, the spark in his eye, the blush. The kind gestures and the overall sweetness.
This is all my fault! Hopefully he's back to normal soon. This isn't him.
I miss when things were normal.
I miss Aang.

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