Chapter 7

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Mary ate dinner across from her fiancé, feeling a bit sheepish about the day's events.

On the one hand, she'd learned a lot about the diaper cover, how it functioned, and what she'd have to overcome to get out. On the other hand...

"Fuck me, I don't know if I can go another twenty nine days without sex," she groaned, voicing the complaint that had been floating around at the back of her mind - and between her legs - since she'd sobered up.

Ethan paused, midway through a sip of water. Lowering his glass, he asked, "Uh, oh?""

Mary nodded, rolling her eyes. "I would have had a shot, but stupid high-as-balls Mary decided that she was going to get just a second from climax a couple times so I'd be frustrated and crotchety. Why couldn't the drugs have just tranquilized me?"

"Safety hazard," Ethan said, apparently glad to change the topic to something technical. "The cocktail we've got right now is designed to leave you able to respond to immediate stimuli, in case there's some kind of disaster. If there was some kind of disaster, like a fire or a car crash or whatever, you'd still have the wherewithal to get away."

"Still seems like a massive hazard," Mary hedged, cutting up her pizza and taking a bite with a fork. "What if it gave me too much and I overdosed? Or what if the danger was too complicated for me to get away while stoned?"

"For the former, you were given a complete physical beforehand and the injection is scaled to your weight and mass distribution," Ethan explained, folding his pizza in half New York style to take a bite. Talking with his mouth full, he added, "And in case there's a more complicated risk, that's where I came in."

"Oh. Interesting." Mary smirked, cutting off another piece of pizza and chewing, letting Ethan puzzle at what she meant.

His curiosity won over before she could swallow. "What's interesting?"

"Nothing," Mary said, letting her smile widen. If he can come to my aid at any point, then the cover must have some kind of GPS tracker, and an alert system for him to know where I am. Good to know. "Do you suppose you could let me out of these for an hour or so, so I could jump your bones?"

Ethan chuckled, not realizing what he'd given away. "Kat explicitly warned against letting the test subject seduce me."

"I'd be good!" Mary said, smiling innocently and biting her lip. "Don't you trust me, sweetie?"

Ethan couldn't keep the flicker of interest off his face, but he kept his answer firm. "No."

"Well, damn." Mary sighed, eating another bite of pizza.

"It was worth a shot."

Her fiancé smiled, knowingly. "All just a shot to get out of the cover, eh?"

"Not just that. I do wish we could put the experiment on hold for half an hour. Or, like, five minutes." Mary shrugged, covering her blush with a drink of water.

Ethan hesitated for a moment before he said, "You seemed to be getting along fine earlier, even with... everything you were wearing."

She nearly spat out her drink. "No way in hell. You had the right idea in stopping me. I'm not about to sink that low." Pushing up from her seat, Mary waddled to the counter, rinsing off her plate so she could put it in the dishwasher.

Ethan chewed on his crust, thinking it over, then suggested, "You know, you're not in a diaper all the time."

Mary hesitated in the middle of bending to open the washer. "What are you suggesting?"

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