Chapter 11

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Mary was left alone for a solid five minutes, wondering what exactly was going on, piecing it all together in her head.

Kat had mentioned a safe word. That was a thing for, like... sex stuff. But the diaper cover was involved, and she was supposed to have a babysitter coming to attend to her...

It painted a picture in her mind, but not a pretty one.

Before she could start to get uncomfortable in her restraints, a woman walked in. She was pretty, and she was dressed... rather like a stereotypical housewife. The hem line was perhaps a little lower cut than was usual, but the sundress and half apron she wore screamed 'traditional matron figure'.

She shut the door behind her, stepping up to Mary with a sweet little smile. "Hello, little one. I'm Rebecca, it's so nice to meet you."

"I, um..." Mary started to say, uncertainly. "Hello, Rebecca."

"Now," Rebecca said. "I heard that you are a very naughty little girl. A little birdie told me you think you're too big for your diapers. We both know that's not true, of course, but that doesn't mean you should get to go telling fibs, should you?"

Mary was just confused now. "I'm... sorry?"

"Oh, you will be," Rebecca beamed. "Now, what would you like me to call you?"

"Erm... Mary, I guess."

"Alright, Mary," Rebecca walked up to her, adjusting her cover and removing it with a handheld scanner that deactivated the lock. Pulling it aside, she hung it up on a hook on the wall, giving her access to Mary's diaper. "Oh my, this is quite soggy. You had more than a few little accidents, didn't you?"

"I don't know, I guess?" Mary said. What's her game?

Rebecca giggled. "Of course. Little ones can't even tell when they've had accidents."

Untaping the diaper, she maneuvered a foot behind the table, pulling out a diaper pail and lifting the lid so that she could throw the sodden garment away.

Then, she stepped back to the table, picking up another object that had a roughly similar shape to the diaper cover. It was all stainless steel, and though Mary didn't recognize it on sight, she could easily guess at its purpose.

"Do you know what this is, little Mary?" Rebecca asked, as though she were asking a child if they recognized a toy.

"It's a... chastity belt, right?"

"That's right." Rebecca smiled, fluttering her eyelashes prettily. "Once you leave this room, you're going to be wearing this chastity belt. You don't get a choice in that. However, I'm going to make you a little deal, little one."

"What's that?" Mary tilted her head.

Setting the chastity belt aside, Rebecca picked up a magic wand, using it to gesture. "I'm going to play with you. If you get through all of our playtime without asking to cum, then for the rest of the weekend, you can have a diaper change whenever you ask for one."

"But...?" Mary asked, sensing a catch.

"But," Rebecca confirmed. "If you want to cum, you will tell me that you're a little diaper whore who never wants to use the potty. You'll get what you want, and you won't get a single diaper change for the rest of the weekend." Stepping close, dropping her tone, she added, "You'll have to stay in the same smelly, sticky diapers until we let you go."

That was a fairly easy decision. Mary would just not ask to cum. It wasn't complicated in the slightest.

'Uncomplicated' wasn't the same as 'easy'. Moving her body closer to Mary, her dress shifting a little, Rebecca's free hand drifted down between Mary's legs, and slowly, sensually, she began to play.

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