Chapter 13

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Mary woke up to an unwelcome buzz between her legs. Her thumb had slipped out of her mouth, and as soon as the saliva on the conductor ring dried, the vibrator had whirred back to life.

It was an intensely frustrating way to wake up, and that was just the start of her weekend.

Her babysitter returned a moment later, turning the lights back on and making a big show of sniffing the air. "Aww, did the baby have an accident?"

"You know I did," Mary said, rolling her eyes.

Rebecca ignored her, stepping over to the crib and reaching between the bars to squeeze at the back of Mary's diaper. After a second of consideration, she nodded. "That's a mushy tushy, alright! Now, who's ready for playtime?"

Dear God, I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.

It did, as it turned out, mean what Mary thought it meant.

Rebecca removed most of her restraints, but replaced the booties and mitts that rendered her all but helpless and forced her to crawl. Once that was done, Mary had a leash clipped to her collar, and Rebecca led her out of the nursery.

Her pillow-thick diaper waving in the air as she crawled, Mary struggled to keep up as she was taken to a play room, where half a dozen other adults with equally thick diapers were already arranged.

The other diapered adults were all playing, either with blocks, toys, or in once case, seated on a bouncer. Judging by their occasional gasps and squirms of discomfort, they'd all been fitting with their own variety of teasing vibrator within their diapers.

For Mary's part, she was led by the collar over to a simple, if oversized, rocking horse.

"Do you need a hand up, little Mary?" Rebecca cooed, bending to offer Mary a hand.

"You can't be serious," Mary replied, wincing as she thought of how the rocking horse would mush up against the contents of her diapers. "I'm not- Aaaahh!"

She gasped, as the vibrator kicked in, buzzing at its lowest, most frustrating setting.

"What was what, little one?" Rebecca gasped. "I'm not sure I understood you."

So that's the game, Mary realized. She'd do whatever humiliating task her babysitter asked of her, or she'd be teased and edged to the point of tears.

Gingerly, she clambered up onto the horse, sat down, and whimpered as she sank her weight into the mush that was packing the seat of her diaper.

As soon as she began to rock back and forth, the vibration stopped, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good girl," Rebecca praised, standing up. "I'll be back in a little while, okay? I need to go check on another baby."

Mary nodded, glowering as she rocked back and forth, shifting her weight around.

On the one hand, it was inevitable that by the end of the three days, her diaper would be hopelessly smeared and smushed, with no chance to ignore the accidents she'd had inside it.

On the other hand, Mary hadn't wanted that time to come within minutes of waking up.

She didn't have much of a choice, beyond safe-wording out, and if she did that she'd lose any hope of winning. There wasn't enough time to get out of the diaper cover another way.

So, she rocked back and forth.

Then, when her turn came, she hopped up and down in the bouncer, playing with the patronizingly simple puzzles and toys built into it.

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