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The next couple months were a blur.

In a lot of ways, it was like the buzz of a new relationship, except that Mary and Ethan were already engaged, and the awkwardness and pitfalls that came with dating someone new were nowhere to be seen.

Together, they got to explore.

Mary quickly learned that, even if she hadn't been tortured with orgasm denial for days at a time, she still loved the loss of control, the excitement, the humiliation that came with being Ethan's little baby princess.

Now that it was acknowledged, he was more than thrilled to be her daddy.

It wasn't all perfect, of course. Mary just about tore Kat a new asshole when she found out that she'd known what was going on the whole time. Kat had pointed out that her little matchmaking scheme had worked, but that had only pissed off Mary even more, until Ethan stepped in. After some mediation, and only a little bit of name calling, they got to the point where Mary was, if not as grateful as Kat would have liked, at least content to call it water under the bridge.

After a request from Ethan, they were allowed to keep Mary's locking cover. It was custom sized, after all, and while she didn't want to wear it all the time, it would definitely see plenty of use.

After some waffling, Mary just decided to stop using the potty altogether. While the pills had worked as expected and she didn't have any trouble getting her control back, she just preferred to use diapers - or, more specifically, she preferred to have Ethan make her wear diapers. She asked him to forbid her to use the potty, and he happily obliged.

They got married on a Saturday. In her dress, Mary felt like a princess, and with her diaper crinkling beneath it, she felt like the subject of a thousand old wives' tales about diapered brides.

When they said their vows, Katherine cried. She would later claim that she just had allergies. Nobody believed her.

Finally, the officiant said those magical words. "Do you, Ethan Summers, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

His eyes were glistening with happiness as he said, "I do."

"And do you, Mary-"

She couldn't wait. "I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

They did so, and the kiss was deep and passionate enough that a few of the older folks in the audience coughed and looked away.

Pulling apart, their faces inches away from one another, Mary whispered, "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, princess."

Picking her up, Ethan carried her away, off to start their life together.

They lived, happily ever after.

The end.

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