Chapter 12

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Mary squirmed as Rebecca moved her changing table back, rotating it from an upright position into a laid-back one. "This isn't fair."

The caretaker smirked down at her. "Who suggested that anything about your stay here would be fair, little one? Bottoms up!"

There was a moment of confusion before Mary realized that she was giving instructions, and lifted her butt off the changing table. Rebecca slid an all-too-familiar disposable diaper beneath her, and turned to pick up the tube of powder from the table so she could apply a thin, even coat.

"I didn't agree to this!" Mary pleaded. After the hour-long teasing session, she was incredibly frustrated, and the chastity belt locked around her served as an almost painful reminder that she wasn't going to be getting any sort of satisfaction for a long time. "Please, don't-"

She spread her legs a little as Rebecca pulled the diaper up, taping it snugly. Frowning, Mary lifted her head. This diaper felt just a little different than the ones she was used to. Peering at it, she saw that the backing was different. Not plastic, but something more flimsy, and... it looks like it's perforated?

Reaching back, Rebecca picked up a second, slightly larger, diaper from the table. "Bottoms up!"

"That's..." Mary started to say. Squirming in discomfort. "What's that for?"

"So you don't leak, of course," Rebecca explained. "Now, lift that tushie, unless you'd like a spanking when we're done here."

The threat was obviously an idle one, and Mary couldn't help but point it out. "Like I'd be able to feel it beneath all that diaper."

"Your thighs won't be beneath anything," Rebecca pointed out.

Mary lifted her butt.

Rebecca slid the second diaper beneath her, folded it in place, and taped it down. Then, humming a little happy tune, she reached for another one.

"You're kidding," Mary complained.

"I don't kid when it comes to keeping babies nice and dry," Rebecca said, tapping a finger on her lip. "Well, not dry, but at least leak-free. Up!"

Mary obeyed, as the third diaper was taped around her. It, at least, had the familiar plastic backing she was used to, but the bulk of the three layers was simply enormous.

And, next came the cover. The plasticy material barely stretched to cover it, but it still locked securely into place over her many diapers.

At long last, Rebecca moved to uncuff her. "Now, little Mary, we're going to go have lunch here in a moment, and then I'll put you down for a nap. Does that sound okay?"

I guess? As soon as she was free from the restraints, Mary sat up and moved to hop off the changing table. There were still mittens on her hands and booties on her feet, but she didn't think that would be a problem until she dropped to the floor.

Between the rigid, curved soled of the booties, and the incredible bulk between her legs, she couldn't stand. After a moment of wobbling, she toppled forwards, and Rebecca had to catch her before she could faceplant.

"Let's go down a little more gently, shall we?" Lowering Mary to the floor, she helped her onto her hands and knees, in a less precarious position than trying to stand.

Of course I have to crawl. It was humiliating, but Mary couldn't really argue the point. If she tried to walk, she'd probably spend more time falling over than moving forward.

When Rebecca opened the door and led her out into the hall, Mary had no real choice except to follow. Her "babysitter" went three doors down, stopped to unlock the door, and led her into the next room.

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