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"Well, well, well... you didn't get far, did you?" Hermione gaze upward to see Fenrir and Scabior standing by her. Hermione tried to pull forward to get out of their grip but they pulled her up by her arms till she was standing as if she weigh nothing but a grain of rice. 

She heard two loud thuds coming from Harry and Ron being pulled down to the ground without a slight bit of concern before they were roughly grabbed by the other comrades. Hermione struggled to get out of their grip, but they were holding too tightly. 

"I'm guessing these are your little friends." Scabior said while glancing over to Harry and Ron, "Harry Potter and Ron... um... Weasel?" 

"It's Weasley! Now both of you, get your filthy hands off of her!" Ron shouted at Scabior and Fenrir, who both laughed at Ron's courage even when he was being held tightly with one of their comrades. To get further underneath Ron's skin, Scabior started to lick Hermione's neck.

 When he did that, Hermione could feel herself start to shift to her wolf side, which wanted nothing more than to slam her lips against Scabior's lips and shove him on the ground and ride him. 

Hermione shook her head, trying to hush the wolf as she gaze up towards the sky in hopes to ignore the pleasure.   

"Scabior, knock it off." Fenrir told him, "It clear, Hermione isn't interested in either one of these two." 

"Clearly." Scabior mumbled while shooting a side gaze directly at Ron. Ron made a move to try and attack Scabior but the man holding on Ron shifted him around before slamming his fist against Ron's stomach.

"NO! Stop it!" Hermione ordered them. Fenrir turned to face the two men that held Harry and Ron. 

"Take them with us and throw them in the cellar. We'll deal with them later. Right now, I just want to make sure this one gets home and in  bed." Fenrir said while slowly returning his attention to sucking on the tips of her ears. She finally found herself get picked up in Fenrir's arms as Scabior kept rubbing his hands on her sides. Hermione couldn't keep her mind straight. One half of her tried to ignore Fenrir and Scabior and try to help her friends get away from there, but the other part wanted them right there and right now. 

Harry POV

They were literally tossed into the cellar, almost having their heads crushed against the stone floors, before the metal gates were slammed shut on them. Harry winced at the pain all the while pushing himself off the cold stone floor. He took in their surroundings. It was a simple cellar that was empty of anything even windows to let lights come through, only walls of cold stone that reeked of rot and other gross scents. The only decor there was the almost finished candles that threatened to go out any minute. 

"I can't believe Hermione did that!" Harry shot his head at Ron, who was furious with the whole turn of events, "She basically gave herself up to them!" 

"I don't think Hermione is to blame for that, Ron." Harry suggested. Ron shot Harry a glare. 

"Then what the bloody hell was that all about? She was basically giving herself to them. I bet if we stayed even longer they would have done it right there and then on the bloody ground!" Ron growled. Harry shook his head before moving closer to Ron. 

"Think about it this way, Ron. Hermione is now a werewolf right?" Harry asked him. Ron nodded. 

"So?" Ron asked. 

"Well Fenrir Greyback and... I think the other guy's name is Scabior are werewolves too! Maybe they are using their own werewolves side to control Hermione. Since Hermione isn't fully in control of her wolf side, they are using it to their advantage." Harry stated to Ron, who still didn't seemed to understand where Harry was getting at. 

"Okay picture this. Werewolves are basically wolves that are humans. There's the alpha, which is clearly Fenrir, the betas which that's where Scabior must rank, and the omegas. If I remember this course I took, wolves form bonds with each other by playing and basically hanging around each other. Hermione's now what you would call... um..." Harry paused trying to remember that simple word. 

"Lone wolf?" Ron suggested. 

"Right, a lone wolf. Well some lone wolves are actually in search of someone. In this case, Hermione is the lone wolf and she just found herself a pack that is showing her they want her. Even though it's not a pack our Hermione would want to be, the wolf Hermione wants this because she does not want to be alone. On top of that, she is not seeing what's the problem with it because of her determine nature to be with a pack. Does this make sense?" Harry asked Ron. Ron shook his head. 

"Sort of. It does explain why Hermione had willingly gave herself to the Snatchers." Ron confirmed. Harry was happy he was able to achieve something during the last couple of days, but it only was one success in a field of failure. Now it came down to the biggest part... how the bloody hell were they even going to get out of this cellar without Hermione's help? 

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