4. Honey and milk

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Chopin opened his eyes. He saw Liszt, Cadence, Marie, and Lili were standing near the bed he laid on. The last clear thing he could remember was walking in the woods with Franz; everything after that was a blur. He couldn't really make out what just happened but he could faintly remember Franz scooping him up. He heard the sounds of Franz yelling and heavy footsteps coming down the stairs through his head. He felt extremely exhausted. He could hear a voice that seemed to be Liszt. "Chopin, you're awake! Please have some milk." Chopin felt the steam of the hot milk and saw a blurry white mug come towards him. He sat up and held the cup in his hands. 

"Th-thanks..." he weakly whispered. He gave his cup back to Liszt and plopped back down on the bed. He then pulled the covers all the way up to his nose and closed his eyes. He just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day and let the pain melt away. (unintended rhyme)


Liszt walked back down the stairs with the almost empty cup in his hands. He felt the part where Chopin put his mouth drip down to his right finger. He blushed and brush the little droplet of Chopin's saliva mixed with milk off his finger.  He walked to the kitchen and saw the Countess sitting on the ground looking at a spoon. "Cadence, I need to use that spoon to mix the honey into Chopin's milk." Cadence held tight onto the wet spoon and ignored him. Liszt tried to ask again but to no avail. "Cadence, you better give me the spoon, or I will have to take it away from you. "No." Cadence responded which led to the adult vs. child tug-a-war that obviously Franz won. "WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Cadence cried. "THAT'S MY SPOOOOOOOON!!!!!!! YOU SOOOO MEEEEEAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" Liszt ignored all the wailing and carefully poured some honey into Chopin's cup. He then headed upstairs to the room where Chopin was laying down.  "What's up with all the noise downstairs?" He hoarsely exhaled. "Ummm... that's the Countess crying. She got into a temper tantrum." Marie calmly but sternly said: "I'll go try and quiet down Cadence." She then turned around and exited the room. Lili cheerfully followed her, holding her bag of fun toys. Frèdèric and Franz were the only ones left in the room. Chopin turned to Liszt and with a hopeful smile on his face he said, "Thank you."

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