Chapter Ten:

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"Mom mom, please hear me," I muttered into her stomach. I cried knowing nobody would answer. I cried knowing that I could've prevented this.
"It's all my fault," I continued to sob, "If I hadn't asked to be driven to school.... we wouldn't be here." I looked up and stood up. I backed away from the bed. I cocked my head and realized, I didn't want to see her anymore. If she made me feel his bad about myself.... I didn't want to be close to her.
I shut my eyes and thought about what I was doing. I was leaving my mom on her possible breath bed. I took a step closer and kissed her on the forehead, I tried to hold back the tears as I blamed myself for all of this. I quickly rushed out of the room and determined that all I wanted to be was home.
"Home," I muttered as if it was a foreign word. My home, was miles from this place I was guessing. Home was where my mom wa- no. I had to forget about her. You know what, I wasn't even gonna visit her again or think about her or anything with her.
I was gonna act like it was a breakup. She broke up with me and left, just like a relationship. That was it. Time to move on.
"Hey your going the wrong way," I looked up and saw, Tyler. Why was he in this hall? "Our rooms that way," he finished twirling around. I just looked at him kind of puzzled. He had been such a dick earlier and now he was acting like a pussy.
"Listen man," he said facing his back to me. He put his hand on her neck and turned back around, "I thought we was just playing ya know?" He said stepping towards me and giving me a bro hug. I didn't hug back and he must've noticed because that slick smile was wiped right off his face.
"I'll see you back at the room," He said waving his hand in the air and walking off. "Oh and sorry about your mom," he chuckled. My eyes narrowed at his back and I grabbed my air tank and ran at him. He turned around just in time to get a face full of my shoulder. I tackled him to the ground and he just looked at me.
I pressed my knee into his liver and held his head up by his nighty. I brought my fist back and dug my knee deeper and swung at him. I felt his nose twist as I pushed his head against the ground. I let go and his neck bent back. His eyes closed and then popped open again. He opened his mouth as if to say something or gasp for air, I didn't really know.
I punched him one more time and then dug my hands into his chest and cried out, "No your not. Mom. She's gone!" I rolled off his body and looked down the empty hallway. I saw one girl looking at us thru the glass wall but I didn't care. I cried and stayed on the ground. I opened my eyes letting the tears flow and looked at Tyler. He was still laying there motionless. I tilted my head and didn't see his chest moving. I put my head against it and started to push up and down with my hands.
"Tyler?" I groaned as I unbuttoned his nightie to get a closer look at his stomach. I was expecting him to slap my hand away and say 'Stop being gay', but he didn't do that.
"What's going on over here?" A man in a lab coat stepped out of the girl who had been watching a room.
I opened my mouth and tried to say something but the next thing I knew my hand was reaching for my air tank and my feet were off the ground in a dead sprint. I reared a corner and dodged a cart transporting blood then barrel rolled into the closest room. I panted for air and looked up to see 2 empty beds.
I let out a breath of air and closed the door. I pulled the curtain that separated the two beds and dove into the bed closets to the window leading outside.
I just lay their counting the lights in the ceiling, who knows what to do next.
Breathe. My conscious said right before I passed out onto the bed.

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