Chapter 4

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    Talk with my Mother
     It was the onset of Christmas again when Mama chatted me asking if we could meet at the food court of one popular Dept Store. It was so surprising that this time  she wants to exclusively see me. Unlike before when she seems to miss my sibs  doesn't even mention me I tell myself it's ok. But this time she was so particular of me. At last , Mama rememembers she has another child in me.  It made me happy, I felt special.
One more thing , twas the same day that I have meet to Burns.  So I thought I would introduce him to the most important woman of my life. I was waiting for Mama and there she arrived dressed in a revealing pink dress, I can never imagine myself dressed like that. She ordered her fave burger and asked what I like. I can now feel my individuality unlike before where Daddy chooses everything for me. Clothes had to be manly. A black hoodie to top my white shirt and pair of either a jogging pants or a worn out pair of skinny blue jeans. Mama excitedly showed me she has a new dress for me in light blue decorated with white pearly beads on the neckline. It's definitely a girl thing. She begun asking questions about Daddy, me and my lovelife

Just told her I will have someone meet her later.  She can judge for herself if I had made a wise choice. 
     After 5 minutes ,Burns arrived newly showered,his hair hanging loose. Mama cannot hide her admiration but pretended unaffected.
     Burns paid respect , the more Mama admired him.  She asked about our little business and how he is treated by Daddy and Grandma. He just responded he can handle it.  He did not tell her about one instance when grandma asked him to go away from me as he was disturbing my schooling. He just did what he was told without saying a word. He avoided seeing me at home.
     I apologized to him as grandma is watchful of my every move.  She has been nasty these past few days but Burns tells me to hold my patience with her as she is old.  I know that, I love grandma very dearly. I cannot aford to lose her.
     Burns began asking questions from my mother. Asked her questions about me   but honestly told him, she hardly knew me and thankful that I had grown well with grandma and Daddy. Burns knows me well like the palms of my hand. My mother was impressed and ashamed that he knows me better than she does. The meeting ended with a loving reminder that we should know our priorities, patted Burns on the shoulder and take good care of me.  Now I know how it feels to have a mother.  I can shout to the world I have a Mother.
     Burns kissed her like a loving son.
     Life has been good to me.

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