Chapter 6

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      My fear: Burn's Mom

One night  burns took my hand sweetly told me his mom wants to meet Daddy and Mama.  I was caught flatfooted. I had missed to let her know about my family background. I held no secret about it with Burns but his mother is a different story. So, I carefully planned for the meeting.  Mama agreed and Daddy did proudly.😀
     The day had come, Mama came early in brown with a young guy Daddy arrived
still unshaven. My family made me look miserable.  I lost face when we entered the   house.  Burns'
Mom looked at me in disgrace.  I made sure I am decently dressed Mama was dressed well but why was there another guy tagged along with her? " Had she forgotten morality for   awhile.  I accepted her having a younger man replace my Dad in her life but not in mine and
One more thing , twas the same day that I have meet to Burns.  So I thought I would introduce him to the most important woman in my life. I was waiting for Mama and there she arrived dressed in a revealing pink dress, I can never imagine myself dressed like that. She ordered her fave burger and asked what I like. I can now feel my individuality unlike before where Daddy chooses everything for me. Clothes had to be manly. A black hoodie to top my white shirt and pair of either a jogging pants or a worn out pair of skinny blue jeans. Mama excitedly showed me she has a new dress for me in light blue decorated with white pearly beads on the neckline. It's definitely a girl thing. She begun asking questions about Daddy, me and my lovelife.
Burns looked at them disgracefully. My Dad unmindful and busy with the food. It was a total disaster. My family totally wrecked
what I painstakingly started. I can just imagine what Burn's  Mom would say and tell him.
I had myself ready of what she might tell me when I meet her again. 
    I don't want give up a love like ours.  I promised Burns , I will always stay no matter what.  But will he?  So many what ifs had crossed my mind.  I don't want to think about them. I'll just cross the bridge when it gets there.  Burns told
me not to worry at all.
     Should I not? Come to think of it , it is better to know  this  early how they will accept and treat me for all that I am. It would be r egretable if they will  change and treat me like a piece of rug in the end. That is a posibility. So, as early as today , I have to see what is in store for me should Burns and I end up together.
     I do not want to put my feet on my mother's shoes. I may not be able to face the challenges she conquered. She may look like a woman of promiscuity but to me she is a fighter and survivor.
    She did not expect me to have the courage to ask. But I did.
Her outpour of emotions was understandable.  She started telling her story about her and daddy.
     She was so young about my age when she tried her luck in Manila.  To her then , Manila was a land of promise. 
     She was proud to land a job as a sales lady.  She fell in love with a guy who later on turned out to be non commital. She and the guy planned to runaway but he did not arrive

    She and the guy planned to runaway but he did not arrive as planned.  My mom  then cannot think straight so she ended up with a suitor My Daddy.
     She 's been a good daughter and sister in law Grandma liked her then , like  Daddy she moved at her wishes
Grandma, did not want Daddy to work and earn a living for us as he always ended in trouble. We were so miserable as they skipped meals most of time.
Through the help of a concerned relative she got employed.
     The job was easy for Mama, she was paid well and she was able to make life easier. And then , I was born. Mama got herself entangled with friends who influenced her to smoke and drink. Too bad that it affected her work and her boss lost his trust in her til she was finally sacked

Mama lost her good disposition and ran away with the lesbian. And I grew old and never heard of her. Maybe once twice she'd met with Daddy.
     Now, the lesbian is no longer in her life.   She found a
new partner. A young man about 15 yrs her junior almost same age as my big sister.
     Daddy cool as he is even made friend s with this man who now owns Mama.  He could even have some drink with him and Mama. Poor Daddy, he seems to have lost his manhood.   He did not have any bone of shame , not feeling any humiliation even enjoying to share a glass of drink  with this man who  now gets Mama's company. Burns once told me he could kill if he sees someone else laying a finger on me. 

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