05 - Win Some, Lose Some

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Tine's POV

I looked up from my phone to find the most adorable little boy sitting on my formidable Mistress's lap.

He was pinching her cheeks and she was giggling merrily. The Master was watching indulgently, a wide smile on his face as well.

"Who is this cute little thing?" I asked with a laugh.

"I'm Win. What's your name?" he said with a wide, tooth-gap showing grin. His cheek dimpled in a very familiar way.

"I'm Tine" I said with a smile.

"And that's my Daddy" he said pointing to a back that I could pick out from a line-up, blindfolded.

"Hi" said Wat turning, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, an embarrassed smile on his face.

I stood gaping at him with my mouth half-open.

I couldn't trust words to come out properly, so I waved briefly instead.

"We're on our way out" said Wat, hastily stuffing toys, a water bottle, a tiny jacket and crayons into a small Spiderman bag.

"Nonsense. You're staying for dinner and I won't hear another word" said the Mistress. Of course, when she said it that way, no one could refuse.

That's pretty much how Pear and I got engaged.

"Can we stay just a little bit longer, Daddy? Pleeeeasse?" begged the bundle of cuteness, little hands folded and eyes as big as saucers.

My heart couldn't take it.

"You should stay for dinner" I said, looking at Wat. He nodded wordlessly, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Hurray" shouted Win and hugged the Mistress tightly. Then he jumped down and hugged the Master around his knees and ran to me with his arms wide open.

I caught him as he leapt into my hands and swung him around in a circle. He shrieked with delight and my heart exploded in a burst of sunshine.

Lord help me, he is his dad's son.

Sarawat's POV

My traitor son sat happily between his new-found grandparents, balancing himself on a pile of cushions that were placed on the chair to bring him up to the table's height.

Win's Greatma sat on her wheelchair at the head of the table on a specially elevated platform. Win sat to her right and the distinguished gentleman sat beside Win on the other side.

Tine sat to the left of the lady, and I sat beside him.

Win didn't look at me even once. He was chattering away nineteen to the dozen about his friends and what he'd done in school that day.

"I didn't introduce myself properly" said the gentleman graciously smiling at me. "I'm Sataporn Raksapong. My friends call me Tha. This is my mother, the Honourable Lady Vichitra".

Win was busy feeding a piece of potato to the Honourable Lady Vichitra. I gulped nervously.

"Master is the Founder & Chairman of the Board of Directors of GMM Enterprises. Mistress is the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the GMM Charitable Fund" said Tine, a quiet note of pride in his voice.

I bowed to them both, star struck by their renown and warmed by their humility.

"I'm honoured to have this opportunity to meet you both. Your struggle to overcome poverty and your rise to become two of the most eminent global business leaders has been an inspiration to millions, myself included.

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