Chapter 6

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 This chapter is dedicated to @Tristyn888 who finally made me get my rear in gear and finish this chapter. I hope you all had a great year and are enjoying 2015 so far! :)

For those of you in high school good luck on the rest of your exams! :)

Enjoy :)

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The Boys and Charlie were playing charades. Niall just figured out that Charlie was trying to do The Shining. When Tyler came in singing good morning which confused Charlie. Then he asked who was ready for some fun and Charlie stated that she was scared again.

Charlie's POV

OMG. OMG. OMG. Tyler is seriously starting to freak me out way more than he was before. He looked at each and every one of us one by one. He held his gaze longer on me, no surprise but still scary. He grinned again then snapped his fingers.

 Six huge, burly guys came into the room and they each grabbed one of us. The guys all struggled as if their lives depended on it, well Harry didn't struggle quite as much as the rest of them but that was only because he was still hurting.

I didn't even bother to struggle. One-because I'm still hurting a lot and Two-this dude is three times the size of me.

Tyler came around and put blindfolds on each of us. I was absolutely terrified.

"You know what to do." Tyler said.

The guy who had me lurched forward. Holy Shit!

"We're all gonna die!" Louis screamed.

The boys were shouting at the guys who had them but then their voices became distant and soon I couldn't hear them anymore.

"Guys?" I called. No answer.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up." The dude said in an unnaturally deep voice.

I struggled as much as I could without hurting myself more. But then the guy just picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back with all the strength that I had.

Suddenly, I was off his shoulders and shoved into a room. I heard the door shut and the click of the lock. I pulled the blindfold off and looked around. I was in a small bathroom. No windows. Just as I thought. I walked around the room trying to see if there was any way out or any crooks and crannies that might lead to a way out. After about ten minutes of searching I hadn't found anything. Then I noticed the clothing on the counter in the bathroom. He wants me to shower? The clothes consisted of a pair of black leggings, a black long sleeve shirt, a black lace thong and bra, and black converse.

...Wait a minute?! These are my clothes?! These were in my room before I left for work that morning!!!! How did he get in my room?!?!

Even though I was beyond freaked out at the moment I stripped and got in the shower. I was only in the shower for 5 minutes when the dude slammed his fist on the door.

"Hurry up." He yelled.

"Excuse me?" I said getting a little sassy. "I am woman. And if you understand the opposite sex at all you bumbling buffoon then you'll leave me the hell alone and let me enjoy the first shower I've had in days." I yelled. He didn't respond.

"Hmph. Serves him right." I muttered and went back to my shower. After another 10 minutes or so I got out, mainly because this guy was starting to get really impatient. I got dressed quickly because I really didn't want him to bust the door down and see me completely naked. And once again there he goes banging on the door , telling me to hurry up.

"I'm coming!!" I screamed. "For fuck sake's you men are all the same." I muttered as I opened the door.

The man blindfolded me right away and started dragging me off down the hall.

"Soooooo..... What's your name?!" I asked. Silence. "Are you married?" More silence. "Why are you working for Tyler?"

"Shut up." He said grumpily.

"Fine. Fine. I was just wondering." I said as I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see them.

 I had no idea where this guy was taking me. We walked for what felt like forever. Finally, I heard the click of a lock, and the creak of a door hinge. I was pushed roughly inside and the door slammed shut behind me.

I peeled off the blindfold to find myself in a dark room with single computer screen glowing in the far corner. I ran to the computer to see if I could contact anyone. I tried everything but nothing worked.

I sighed. Tyler really had thought of everything. He wants to make sure that I can never escape from him again.

Suddenly, Tyler popped up on the screen. "Boo." He said and grinned evilly.

I screamed and fell out of the chair. I was not expected that to happen.

He laughed. "How are we today?" He asked. Knowing he wouldn't get an answer, he continued. "It's time for my favourite part of this entire scheme. We're going to play a game. I'm sure you played it when you were little. It's called Hide and Seek,"

Is he serious?

"Now you fine people are the hiders and my friend back there is it."

He pointed behind him to a huge guy standing behind him. He looked like a giant and that was just based on an image on a computer screen. He had huge muscles on his arms. I was a little scared.

"Now the object of the game is to make sure that he doesn't find you. We will play for an hour. If he finds you, you will be punished. If not, don't worry about it."

There it is again, that evil grin that I've grown accustomed to.

"Good Luck!" He said.

A hidden door on the far said of the room opened.

Lord help us all!

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I'm also really sorry about that cliff hanger. Please forgive me! :'(

I've already started working on chapter 7 just for you guys! :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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