Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

I wake up and I'm exhausted. I hardly slept at all, which is quite a shock considering I can sleep almost anywhere. The floor was just so uncomfortable. I opened my eyes to a blinding white light.

"God are you there?" I asked in fear that I had died in the night.

"You wish Zayn!" Kylie laughed.

I gulped. I tried to move and realized I was tied to a chair. Uh Oh!

"What are you gonna do to me?" I asked in fear and curiousity.

"Oh just you wait till I'm through with you Zayn! You're going to look fantabulous!" She squealed.

Oh joy. I thought in my head. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

She grinned like a mad man at me. "Zayn, I think it's time for a hair cut."

I stiffened. She knew exactly how important my hair was to me.

"You wouldn't dare!" I said more to assure myself then to her.

"Try me!" She cackled.

"I'll do whatever you want just don't touch my hair!" I shouted.

"Anything?" She asked looking thoughtful.

I gulped. "Anything." I told her.

She tapped her finger on her chin and tilted her to the side slightly. Then she grinned again.

"No, I think your hair needs work."

I whimpered and tried to wriggle out of the chair as she approached with scissors, a comb, and hair dye.

Charlie's POV

All I felt was pain. So much pain that I could hardly move. I tried to sit up but winced and laid back down in excruciating pain.

"You alright love?" I heard a thick Irish voice ask.

I looked up to see Niall looking down at me with concern and worry in his eyes. "I can't move it hurts too much." I whispered.

"I'm gonna kill him."

I turned and saw Harry looking at the door with pure fury.

"How can anyone hit a woman it just makes me sick?!"

"Hazza you need to calm down." Louis told him gently.

He sighed though he still looked extremely pissed off.

"Has anyone figured out where Zayn is yet?!" Liam asked trying to change the mood.

Everyone shook their heads. I'd had been so mad when I woke up and found Zayn missing. I thought that he'd found a way out and had left the rest of us to rot in this hellhole, but the guys assured me that Zayn would never do that. He would have been tied up anyways and unable to move very fast.

Suddenly the door flew open and Zayn was thrown into the room with a head of green hair.

Kylie, I think that's her name, was laughing and Tyler stood there smirking.

I whimpered and Niall moved closer to my left while Louis moved closer to my right.

"Did everyone sleep well?" Tyler asked cheekily.

"What the hell do you think?" Harry spat.

Tyler shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Kylie I think someone else needs a timeout."

"I agree." She giggled.

Harry seemed to shrink a little in fear but then straightened up and glared at the two of them. 

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